;+ ; NAME: ; sdssproc ; ; PURPOSE: ; Read in raw SDSS files, and process with opConfig, opECalib, opBC par files. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; sdssproc, infile, [image, invvar, indir=, $ ; outfile=, nsatrow=, fbadpix=, $ ; hdr=hdr, configfile=, ecalibfile=, bcfile=, $ ; /applybias, /applypixflat, /silent, /do_lock, minflat=, maxflat=, $ ; spectrographid=, color=, camname=, /applycrosstalk, ccdmask= ] ; ; INPUTS: ; infile - Raw SDSS file name ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ; indir - Input directory for INFILE ; outfile - Calibrated 2D frame, HDU#0 is the image and #1 is invvar; ; if set as /OUTFILE, then default name is constructed from ; INFILE as sdProc-XX-XXXXXXXX.fits, excluding any path info ; nsatrow - Number of saturated rows, assuming that a row is saturated ; if at least 20 of its pixels are above saturation level ; fbadpix - Fraction of bad pixels, not including bad columns ; configfile - Default to "opConfig*par", selecting the file with the ; appropriate MJD. ; ecalibfile - Default to "opECalib*par", selecting the file with the ; appropriate MJD. ; bcfile - Default to "opBC*par", selecting the file with the ; appropriate MJD. ; applybias - Apply 2-D bias image. ; applypixflat- Apply 2-D pixel-to-pixel flat (after subtracting bias). ; silent - If set, then don't output any text. ; do_lock - If set, then lock the "sdHdrFix-$MJD.par" file ; using DJS_LOCKFILE(). ; minflat - Minimum values allowed for pixflat; pixels with the ; flat out of range are masked; default to 0. ; maxflat - Maximum values allowed for pixflat; pixels with the ; flat out of range are masked; default to 1e10. ; applycrosstalk - choose whether or not to apply crosstalk correction ; snthrottle - Apply SN=100 throttling to inverse variance ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; image - Processed 2d image ; invvar - Associated inverse variance ; hdr - Processed FITS header ; spectrographid - Return spectrograph ID (1 or 2) ; color - Return spectrograph color ('red' or 'blue') ; camname - Return camera name: 'b1', 'r1', 'b2', or 'r2' ; ccdmask - Image with 'NODATA' bit set for parts of BOSS data ; ; COMMENTS: ; Only the header is read from the image if IMAGE, INVVAR, OUTFILE and ; VARFILE are all not set. ; ; Required header keywords: EXPTIME. ; ; The returned image is in electrons, not ADU. ; ; The signal-to-noise is limited to never exceed 100, by adding 1.e-4 ; times the flux squared to the variance term. ; ; Change the CAMERAS keyword to the camera as specified by the file name. ; ; Rename 'target' to 'science', and 'calibration' to 'arc' in the ; header keyword FLAVOR. ; ; Determine the exposure number from the file name itself. ; ; BUGS: ; The open-shutter correction SMEARIMG will include smeared data from ; any cosmic rays, which is wrong. At the minimum, I could interpolate ; over A/D saturations (in ADMASK) before constructing SMEARIMG. ; ; PROCEDURES CALLED: ; djs_filepath() ; djs_iterstat ; fileandpath() ; findopfile() ; fits_purge_nans ; fits_wait() ; headfits() ; idlspec2d_version() ; idlutils_version() ; lookforgzip() ; ml_mghdrfix ; mwrfits ; rdss_fits() ; splog ; sxaddpar ; sxpar() ; yanny_free ; yanny_read ; ; INTERNAL SUPPORT ROUTINES: ; make_badcolumn_mask() ; ; DATA FILES: ; $MANGADRP_DIR/examples/opConfig*par ; $MANGADRP_DIR/examples/opECalib*par ; $MANGADRP_DIR/examples/opBC*par ; $SPECFLAT_DIR/biases/pixbias*.fits* ; $SPECFLAT_DIR/flats/pixflat*.fits* ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; 13-May-1999 Written by Scott Burles & David Schlegel, Apache Point. ; 08-Sep-1999 Modified to read Yanny param files instead of FITS ; versions of the same (DJS). ; 01-Dec-1999 Added version stamping (DJS). ; 07-Dec-1999 Mask neighbors of pixels that saturated the A/D converter. ; Identify blead trails and mask from that row up (DJS). ; 10-Dec-1999 Test if the shutter was open during readout, and try ; to correct the light for that (DJS). ; 04-Feb-2000 Declare that the shutter was open if it is a >640 sec ; exposure taken before MJD=51570 (DJS). ; 26-Jul-2000 Added fix for "dropped pixel" problem for data on or after ; MJD=51688 (23 May 2000). Should disable this code for later ; MJD's once this problem is fixed in the electronics. ; 26-Jul-2000 Added fix for more severe "shifted row" electronics problem ; for data taken on MJD=51578 to 51580 (3 to 5 Feb 2000). ; 26-Aug-2000 Horrible kludge for this night MJD=51779 (22/23 Aug 2000). ; Add a noise term of 100 ADU to the left amplifier of r2. ; That amplifier had random bits being set incorrectly, ; in particular the 32 bit and 256 bit. ; 04-Nov-2000 Measure the bias values using DJS_ITERSTAT instead of MEDIAN, ; since the median is always only an integer value. ; 31-Jan-2001 Determine the exposure number from the file name itself, ; since the counting got off by one on MJD=51882. ; 08-Aug-2011: Changing bias-subtraction recipe for BOSS (A. Bolton, Utah) ; Jul-2013 Stripped Out SDSSI stuff for MaNGA (B. Cherinka, Toronto) ; 25-Oct-2014 Updated r1 gain values for new ccd (D. Law, Toronto) ; 02-Mar-2015 Throttle max S/N for bright lines, add more complete ; pixel mask reporting (D. Law; STScI) ; 12-Sep-2016 Update b2 gain values for new ccd (D. Law) ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro sdssproc_badformat, image, camname=camname, mjd=mjd on_error,0 compile_opt idl2 compile_opt idl2, hidden dims = size(image,/dimens) nx = dims[0] ny = dims[1] case camname of 'b1': begin xs = [77,4274,77,4274] xw = [1,1,1,1] thresh = [15,15,0,0] end 'b2': begin xs = [77,4274,77,4274] xw = [1,1,1,1] thresh = [5,10,10,0] end 'r1': begin ; The transients on the right of r1 are really 2 columns wide xs = [111,4240,111,4240] xw = [1,2,1,2] thresh = [30,20,60,15] end 'r2': begin ;mjd gt 55300 if mjd le 58054 then xs = [112,4239,111,4240] $ else xs = [111,4240,112,4239] xw = [1,1,1,1] thresh = [5,10,12,5] end endcase nsub = 7 reg0 = image[xs[0]:xs[0]+nsub-1,0:ny/2-1] reg1 = rotate(image[xs[1]-nsub+1:xs[1],0:ny/2-1],5) reg2 = rotate(image[xs[2]:xs[2]+nsub-1,ny/2:ny-1],7) reg3 = rotate(image[xs[3]-nsub+1:xs[3],ny/2:ny-1],2) if (xw[0] GT 1) then reg0 = convol(reg0, [intarr(xw[0]-1),1,intarr(xw[0]-1)+1], /edge_wrap) if (xw[1] GT 1) then reg1 = convol(reg1, [intarr(xw[1]-1),1,intarr(xw[1]-1)+1], /edge_wrap) if (xw[2] GT 1) then reg2 = convol(reg2, [intarr(xw[2]-1),1,intarr(xw[2]-1)+1], /edge_wrap) if (xw[3] GT 1) then reg3 = convol(reg3, [intarr(xw[3]-1),1,intarr(xw[3]-1)+1], /edge_wrap) shiftvec = lonarr(ny/2) ; Pixel shift of each row (same in all quadrants) nshift = lonarr(nsub) ; Keep track of # of rows shifted each pixel amount peak = intarr(4) for iy=0L, ny/2-1L do begin ; Find the peak value relative to where it should be in this row max0 = max(reg0[0:nsub-1-xw[0],iy], peak0) max1 = max(reg1[0:nsub-1-xw[1],iy], peak1) max2 = max(reg2[0:nsub-1-xw[2],iy], peak2) max3 = max(reg3[0:nsub-1-xw[3],iy], peak3) ; Test that the peak is at least "thresh" larger than the next pix, where that threshold is different in each amplifier peak0 *= (reg0[peak0,iy] GE reg0[peak0+xw[0],iy] + thresh[0]) peak1 *= (reg1[peak1,iy] GE reg1[peak1+xw[1],iy] + thresh[1]) peak2 *= (reg2[peak2,iy] GE reg2[peak2+xw[2],iy] + thresh[2]) peak3 *= (reg3[peak3,iy] GE reg3[peak3+xw[3],iy] + thresh[3]) peak = [peak0,peak1,peak2,peak3] bpeak = peak[(sort(peak))[1]] ; If at least 3 quadrants appear shifted the same amount, then use that shift if (total(peak EQ bpeak) GE 3) then begin shiftvec[iy] = bpeak nshift[bpeak]++ endif else begin ; If no shifts detected, then assume it is the same as the previous row if (iy GT 0) then shiftvec[iy] = shiftvec[iy-1] endelse endfor ; Do the actual image shifts for iy=0L, ny/2-1L do begin if (shiftvec[iy] GT 0) then begin image[0:nx/2-1,iy] = shift(image[0:nx/2-1,iy], -shiftvec[iy]) image[0:nx/2-1,ny-1-iy] = shift(image[0:nx/2-1,ny-1-iy], -shiftvec[iy]) image[nx/2:nx-1,iy] = shift(image[nx/2:nx-1,iy], shiftvec[iy]) image[nx/2:nx-1,ny-1-iy] = shift(image[nx/2:nx-1,ny-1-iy], shiftvec[iy]) endif endfor nunknown = ny - long(2*total(nshift)) if (nunknown GT 0) then splog, 'Warning: Serial transient not detected in ', nunknown, ' rows' for i=1, nsub-1 do $ if (nshift[i] GT 0) then splog, 'WARNING: Electronics shifted ', 2*nshift[i], ' rows by ', i, ' pix' return end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Create the bad column mask (1 for a masked pixel) with image size nc,nr ; If the operation doesn't work just return 0 for no masked pixels function make_badcolumn_mask, bcfile, camrow, camcol, nc=nc, nr=nr, silent=silent on_error,0 compile_opt idl2 compile_opt idl2, hidden if ~keyword_set(nc) then nc=2048L if ~keyword_set(nr) then nr=2048L yanny_read, bcfile, pdata if (size(pdata,/tname)) EQ 'INT' then begin if (~keyword_set(silent)) then splog, 'WARNING: Could not read BC file ' + fileandpath(bcfile) return, 0 endif bc = *pdata[0] yanny_free, pdata ibc = where(bc.camrow EQ camrow AND bc.camcol EQ camcol, nbc) if (~keyword_set(nbc)) then begin if (~keyword_set(silent)) then splog,'WARNING: Could not find this camera info in BC file ' + fileandpath(bcfile) return, 0 endif bc = bc[ibc] bcmask = bytarr(nc, nr) ; Mask out bad columns if (nbc GT 0) then begin bcsc = (bc.dfcol0 > 0) < (nc-1) bcec = (bc.dfcol0 + bc.dfncol - 1 < (nc-1)) > bcsc bcsr = (bc.dfrow0 > 0) < (nr-1) bcer = (bc.dfrow0 + bc.dfnrow - 1 < (nr-1)) > bcsr for i=0, nbc-1 do bcmask[bcsc[i]:bcec[i],bcsr[i]:bcer[i]] = 1 endif return, bcmask end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro sdssproc, infile1, image, invvar, indir=indir, $ outfile=outfile1, nsatrow=nsatrow, fbadpix=fbadpix, $ hdr=hdr, configfile=configfile, ecalibfile=ecalibfile, bcfile=bcfile, $ applybias=applybias, applypixflat=applypixflat, silent=silent, $ do_lock=do_lock, minflat=minflat, maxflat=maxflat, $ spectrographid=spectrographid, color=color, camname=camname, $ applycrosstalk=applycrosstalk, ccdmask=ccdmask, $ snthrottle=snthrottle on_error,0 compile_opt idl2 common com_sdssproc, vers2d, versutils, versflat, verslog if (N_params() LT 1) then begin doc_library, 'sdssproc' return endif infile = infile1[0] readimg = arg_present(image) OR keyword_set(outfile1) readivar = arg_present(invvar) OR keyword_set(outfile1) OR arg_present(nsatrow) OR arg_present(fbadpix) fullname = djs_filepath(infile, root_dir=indir) fullname = (lookforgzip(fullname, count=ct))[0] if (ct NE 1) then message, 'Cannot find image ' + infile if (keyword_set(outfile1)) then begin if (size(outfile1,/tname) EQ 'STRING') then begin outfile = outfile1 endif else begin outfile = 'sdProc-' + strmid(fileandpath(infile),4,11)+'.fits' endelse endif if (readimg OR readivar) then rawdata = rdss_fits(fullname, hdr, /nofloat, silent=silent) $ else hdr = headfits(fullname) sxdelpar, hdr, 'BZERO' sxdelpar, hdr, 'BSCALE' sxdelpar, hdr, 'CHECKSUM' sxdelpar, hdr, 'DATASUM' ;----------- ; Determine the exposure number from the file name itself. ; Very bad form, but this information is sometimes wrong in the header. ; In particular, the counting got off by 1 on MJD=51882. i = strpos(infile, '-', /reverse_search) expnum = long( strmid(infile, i+1, 8) ) if (~keyword_set(expnum)) then message, 'Cannot determine exposure number from file name ' + infile ;----------- ; Fix the headers with any hand-edits that we have determined. ml_mghdrfix, infile, hdr, silent=silent ;----------- ; Replace exposure number with that found in the file name. hdrexp = sxpar(hdr, 'EXPOSURE') if (expnum NE hdrexp) then begin if (~keyword_set(silent)) then $ splog, 'WARNING: Exposure number in header (' + strtrim(string(hdrexp),2) + ') disagrees w/filename (' + strtrim(string(expnum),2) + ') !!' sxaddpar, hdr, 'EXPOSURE', expnum endif ;----------- ; Determine which CCD from the file name itself, using either the numbering scheme (01,02,03,04) or naming scheme (b1,r2,b2,r1). ; Very bad form, but this information is not in the header since the CAMERAS keyword is sometimes wrong. i = strpos(infile, '-', /reverse_search) if (i[0] EQ -1 OR i-2 LT 0) then message, 'Cannot determine CCD number from file name ' + infile camnames = ['b1', 'r2', 'b2', 'r1'] camnums = ['01', '02', '03', '04'] ; First try to match a camera name (e.g., 'b1'), then try to match a camera number (e.g., '01'). If both fail, then abort. indx = where(strmid(infile, i-2, 2) EQ camnames, ct) if (ct NE 1) then indx = where(strmid(infile, i-2, 2) EQ camnums, ct) if (ct NE 1) then message, 'Cannot determine CCD number from file name ' + infile ; Do not read the camera from the CAMERAS keyword, since this was often wrong in the early days! camname = camnames[indx[0]] case camname of 'b1': begin spectrographid = 1 color = 'blue' end 'r1': begin spectrographid = 1 color = 'red' end 'b2': begin spectrographid = 2 color = 'blue' end 'r2': begin spectrographid = 2 color = 'red' end endcase camcol = indx[0] + 1 camrow = 0 ; Cache these versions in a common block, since the calls to spawn are slow if (~keyword_set(vers2d)) then begin vers2d = mangadrp_version(/simple) versutils = idlutils_version() spawn, 'specflat_version', versflat, err, /noshell if (~keyword_set(versflat)) then versflat = 'Unknown' endif sxaddpar, hdr, 'CAMROW', camrow sxaddpar, hdr, 'CAMCOL', camcol sxaddpar, hdr, 'TELESCOP', 'SDSS 2.5-M', ' Sloan Digital Sky Survey' hdr=mdrp_makeheader(head=hdr,/drp2d) ;----------- ; Rename 'target' -> 'science', and 'calibration' -> 'arc' mjd = sxpar(hdr, 'MJD') flavor = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'FLAVOR'),2) if (flavor EQ 'target') then flavor = 'science' if (flavor EQ 'calibration') then flavor = 'arc' if (sxpar(hdr, 'COLBIN') GT 1 OR sxpar(hdr, 'ROWBIN') GT 1) then flavor = 'unknown' sxaddpar, hdr, 'FLAVOR', flavor sxaddpar, hdr, 'CAMERAS', camname ;-------------- ; Flag to trigger bolton bias subtraction for survey-quality BOSS data: bossgood = 1B ; Mark when the BOSS red CCDs switched from 1-phase to 2-phase readout if (mjd GE 55415 AND strmatch(camname,'r*')) then sxaddpar, hdr, 'TWOPHASE', 'T' else sxaddpar, hdr, 'TWOPHASE', 'F' ; This if mjd statement is always true for MaNGA if (mjd GE 55052) then begin ; Declare any BOSS exposures 'excellent' if that keyword missing, unless it was a Hartmann exposure junk = sxpar(hdr, 'QUALITY', count=ct) if (ct EQ 0) then begin hartmann = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'HARTMANN'),2) if (hartmann EQ 'Left' OR hartmann EQ 'Right') then sxaddpar, hdr, 'QUALITY', 'test' else sxaddpar, hdr, 'QUALITY', 'excellent' endif if (readimg OR readivar) then begin rawdata += 32768. sdssproc_badformat, rawdata, camname=camname, mjd=mjd case strmid(camname,0,1) of 'b': begin case spectrographid of 1: gain = [1.048, 1.048, 1.018, 1.006] ; b1 gain 2: if (mjd LT 57633) then gain = [1.040, 0.994, 1.002, 1.010] $ else gain = [0.9827, 1.0027, 0.9673, 1.0080] ; b2 replaced August 2016 end ; Do bolton bias subtraction for survey-quality BOSS dates: ; (Note that these lines are identical between b and r cams.) if bossgood then begin if (keyword_set(silent) EQ 0) then splog, 'BOSS survey-quality MJD: applying pixbias whether you like it or not!' pp = filepath('', root_dir=getenv('SPECFLAT_DIR'), subdirectory='biases') pixbiasname = findopfile('boss_pixbias-*-'+camname+'.fits*', mjd, pp, silent=silent) image = bolton_biassub(rawdata, pp+pixbiasname, rnoise=rnoise, cam=camname, sigthresh=3.0,scihdr=hdr) xwid = (size(image))[1] ywid = (size(image))[2] rdnoise = rnoise[*] * 1.015 * gain ; account for sigma-clipping if (keyword_set(silent) EQ 0) then splog, 'Read noise = ', rdnoise, ' electrons' image[0:xwid/2-1,0:ywid/2-1] *= gain[0] image[xwid/2:xwid-1,0:ywid/2-1] *= gain[1] image[0:xwid/2-1,ywid/2:ywid-1] *= gain[2] image[xwid/2:xwid-1,ywid/2:ywid-1] *= gain[3] endif if (readivar) then begin invvar=ml_makeivar(image,camname,rdnoise,mask=mask,snthrottle=snthrottle) endif end 'r': begin case spectrographid of 1: if (mjd LT 55131) then gain = [2.63, 2.45, 2.30, 2.72] $ else if (mjd LT 55800) then gain = [1.966, 1.566, 1.542, 1.546] $ else if (mjd LT 56858) then gain = [1.9253, 1.5122, 1.4738, 1.5053] $ ; R1 replaced summer 2011 else gain = [2.054, 1.704, 1.640, 1.544] ; R1 replaced summer 2014 to fix coma 2: if (mjd LT 55131) then gain = [1.89, 1.51, 1.40, 1.44] $ else if (mjd LT 55141) then gain = [2.66, 2.53, 2.02, 3.00] $ else if (mjd LT 55300) then gain = [1.956, 1.618, 1.538, 1.538] $ else gain = [1.598, 1.656, 1.582, 1.594] ; R2 replaced April 2011 (2010?) endcase ; Do bolton bias subtraction for survey-quality BOSS dates: ; (Note that these lines are identical between b and r cams.) if bossgood then begin if (keyword_set(silent) EQ 0) then splog, 'BOSS survey-quality MJD: applying pixbias whether you like it or not!' pp = filepath('', root_dir=ml_getenv('SPECFLAT_DIR'), subdirectory='biases') pixbiasname = findopfile('boss_pixbias-*-'+camname+'.fits*', mjd, pp, silent=silent) image = bolton_biassub(rawdata, pp+pixbiasname, rnoise=rnoise, cam=camname, sigthresh=3.0,scihdr=hdr) xwid = (size(image))[1] ywid = (size(image))[2] rdnoise = rnoise[*] * 1.015 * gain ; account for sigma-clipping if (keyword_set(silent) EQ 0) then splog, 'Read noise = ', rdnoise, ' electrons' image[0:xwid/2-1,0:ywid/2-1] *= gain[0] image[xwid/2:xwid-1,0:ywid/2-1] *= gain[1] image[0:xwid/2-1,ywid/2:ywid-1] *= gain[2] image[xwid/2:xwid-1,ywid/2:ywid-1] *= gain[3] endif if (readivar) then begin invvar=ml_makeivar(image,camname,rdnoise,mask=mask,snthrottle=snthrottle) endif end endcase if (arg_present(ccdmask)) then begin ccdmask = lonarr(size(image,/dimens)) ccdmask += (mask EQ 0) * sdss_flagval('MANGA_DRP2PIXMASK','NODATA') endif ; Add read-noise to header sxaddpar, hdr, 'RDNOISE0', rdnoise[0], 'CCD read noise amp 0 [electrons]' sxaddpar, hdr, 'RDNOISE1', rdnoise[1], 'CCD read noise amp 1 [electrons]' sxaddpar, hdr, 'RDNOISE2', rdnoise[2], 'CCD read noise amp 2 [electrons]' sxaddpar, hdr, 'RDNOISE3', rdnoise[3], 'CCD read noise amp 3 [electrons]' ; Identify CRs, and grow by 1 pix if (keyword_set(invvar)) then begin psfvals = [0.496,0.246] ; for FWHM=2.0 pix reject_cr, image, invvar, psfvals, rejects, c2fudge=0.8, niter=6, nrejects=nrejects if (nrejects GT 0) then begin crmask = 0. * image crmask[rejects] = 1 crmask = dilate(crmask, replicate(1,3,3)) ; Everywhere the cosmic rays were identified set ivar to zero ; and propagate the flag into the ccdmask invvar *= (crmask EQ 0) if (arg_present(ccdmask)) then ccdmask = ccdmask OR ((crmask eq 1)*sdss_flagval('MANGA_DRP2PIXMASK','COSMIC')) endif ; DRL- Running CR rejection a second time gives better results reject_cr, image, invvar, psfvals, rejects, c2fudge=0.8, niter=6, nrejects=nrejects if (nrejects GT 0) then begin crmask = 0. * image crmask[rejects] = 1 crmask = dilate(crmask, replicate(1,3,3)) ; Everywhere the cosmic rays were identified set ivar to zero ; and propagate the flag into the ccdmask invvar *= (crmask EQ 0) if (arg_present(ccdmask)) then ccdmask = ccdmask OR ((crmask eq 1)*sdss_flagval('MANGA_DRP2PIXMASK','COSMIC')) endif endif ; Identify saturated pixels, set ivar to zero and ccdmask to SATURATION if (keyword_set(invvar)) then begin case strmid(camname,0,1) of 'b': begin case spectrographid of 1: satlimit = [59000L,62000L,34000L,34000L] ; b1 saturation limit 2: if (mjd LT 57633) then satlimit = [64000L,56000L,46000L,50000L] $ else satlimit = [60000L,56000L,46000L,50000L] ; b2 replaced August 2016; no linearity data. For now, set to the same as before Aug 2016. endcase end 'r': begin case spectrographid of 1: satlimit = [58000L,65000L,36000L,80000L] 2: satlimit = [68000L,68000L,52000L,88000L] endcase end endcase xwid = (size(image))[1] ywid = (size(image))[2] satmask = bytarr(xwid,ywid) satmask[0:xwid/2-1,0:ywid/2-1] = image[0:xwid/2-1,0:ywid/2-1] gt satlimit[0] satmask[xwid/2:xwid-1,0:ywid/2-1] = image[xwid/2:xwid-1,0:ywid/2-1] gt satlimit[1] satmask[0:xwid/2-1,ywid/2:ywid-1] = image[0:xwid/2-1,ywid/2:ywid-1] gt satlimit[2] satmask[xwid/2:xwid-1,ywid/2:ywid-1]= image[xwid/2:xwid-1,ywid/2:ywid-1] gt satlimit[3] if (arg_present(ccdmask)) then ccdmask = ccdmask OR ((satmask eq 1)*sdss_flagval('MANGA_DRP2PIXMASK','SATURATION')) invvar *= (satmask EQ 0) if (arg_present(fbadpix)) then fbadpix = mean(invvar EQ 0 AND mask EQ 1) endif endif endif ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Correct image with pixel-to-pixel flat-field ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (keyword_set(applypixflat) AND (readimg OR readivar)) then begin pp = filepath('', root_dir=getenv('SPECFLAT_DIR'), subdirectory='flats') ; First search for files "pixflatave-*.fits*", and if not found then look for "pixflat-*.fits*". pixflatname = findopfile('pixflatave-*-'+camname+'.fits*', mjd, pp, silent=silent) if (~keyword_set(pixflatname)) then pixflatname = findopfile('pixflat-*-'+camname+'.fits*', mjd, pp, silent=silent) if (~keyword_set(pixflatname)) then begin if (~keyword_set(silent)) then splog, 'WARNING: Pixel flat not found for camera ' + camname endif else begin if (~keyword_set(silent)) then splog, 'Correcting with pixel flat ' + pixflatname pixflatimg = mrdfits(djs_filepath(pixflatname, root_dir=pp), /fscale, silent=silent) if (total(size(pixflatimg,/dimens) NE size(image,/dimens)) GT 0) then message, 'Dimensions of image and pixel flat differ!' ; now get bad pixel mask badpixelname = findopfile('badpixels-*-'+camname+'.fits*', mjd, pp, silent=silent) if (~keyword_set(badpixelname)) then begin if (~keyword_set(silent)) then splog, 'WARNING: Badpixels not found for camera ' + camname endif else begin if (~keyword_set(silent)) then splog, 'Correcting with badpixels ' + badpixelname badpixelimg = mrdfits(djs_filepath(badpixelname, root_dir=pp), /fscale, silent=silent) if (total(size(badpixelimg,/dimens) NE size(image,/dimens)) GT 0) then message, 'Dimensions of image and badpixels differ!' ; include badpixels into pixflat badpixuse=where(badpixelimg ne 0,ct) if (ct ne 0) then pixflatimg[badpixuse]=0.0 ; Mark bad pixels in the ccd mask if ((ct ne 0) and (arg_present(ccdmask))) then ccdmask = ccdmask OR ((badpixelimg ne 0)*sdss_flagval('MANGA_DRP2PIXMASK','BADPIX')) endelse ; now check for saturated pixels/bad ; columns on individual exposure ; compare to neighbor columns, add ; columns with hotpixel trail to pixflatimg if (camname eq 'b1' or camname eq 'b2') and flavor eq 'science' then begin nxsat=n_elements(image[*,0]) nysat=n_elements(image[0,*]) rowsat=20 ; number of rows to average threshsat=10 ; threshold for column comparison satrat=0.05 ; ratio of column brightness for trail for i=2,nxsat-3 do begin hp=where(image[i,*] gt 60000 and (pixflatimg[i,*] ge 0.5 or pixflatimg[i,*] eq 0),ct) ; column search for hotpixels gt 60000 not caused by pixflat if ct ne 0 then begin if hp[0] lt nysat/2. and hp[0] +10 +rowsat lt nysat/2.$ then begin ;bottom half compare to neighbor columns colleft=mean(image[i-1,hp[0]+10:hp[0]+10+rowsat]) colcen=mean(image[i,hp[0]+10:hp[0]+10+rowsat]) colright=mean(image[i+1,hp[0]+10:hp[0]+10+rowsat]) ; if difference greater than ; threshold, mask to center if hp[0] lt 3 then hp[0]=3 ;fix edge problem if colcen-colleft gt threshsat and colcen-colright gt $ threshsat and colleft gt 0 and colcen gt 0 and $ colright gt 0 and (colcen-colleft)/colcen gt satrat and $ (colcen-colright)/colcen gt satrat $ then pixflatimg[i,hp[0]-3:nysat/2.]=0.0 endif ; if hotpixel near center, mask to center if hp[0] lt nysat/2. and hp[0] +10 +rowsat ge nysat/2. then pixflatimg[i,hp[0]-3:nysat/2.]=0.0 if max(hp) gt nysat/2. and max(hp)-10-rowsat gt nysat/2. $ then begin ;top half same as above colleft=mean(image[i-1,max(hp)-10-rowsat:max(hp)-10]) colcen=mean(image[i,max(hp)-10-rowsat:max(hp)-10]) colright=mean(image[i+1,max(hp)-10-rowsat:max(hp)-10]) if max(hp) gt nysat-4 then hp=nysat-4 ;fix edge problem if colcen-colleft gt threshsat and colcen-colright gt $ threshsat and colleft gt 0 and colcen gt 0 and $ colright gt 0 and (colcen-colleft)/colcen gt satrat and $ (colcen-colright)/colcen gt satrat $ then pixflatimg[i,nysat/2.:max(hp)+3]=0.0 endif if max(hp) gt nysat/2. and max(hp)-10 -rowsat le nysat/2. then pixflatimg[i,nysat/2.:max(hp)+3]=0.0 endif endfor endif if (readimg) then image /= (pixflatimg + (pixflatimg LE 0)) if (~keyword_set(minflat)) then minflat = 0.0 if (~keyword_set(maxflat)) then maxflat = 1.0e10 if (readivar) then invvar = invvar * pixflatimg^2 * (pixflatimg GT minflat) * (pixflatimg LT maxflat) pixflatimg = 0 ; clear memory badpixelimg = 0 ; clear memory ; Add pixflatname to header since it has just been applied sxaddpar, hdr, 'PIXFLAT', pixflatname if (keyword_set(badpixelname)) then sxaddpar, hdr, 'BADPIXEL', badpixelname endelse endif ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Check for NaN's ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This should never happen, but just in case... if (readimg OR readivar) then begin inan = where(finite(image) EQ 0, nnan) if (nnan GT 0) then begin if (~keyword_set(silent)) then splog, 'WARNING: Replacing ', nnan, ' NaN values' image[inan] = 0 invvar[inan] = 0 endif endif ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Write output files ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if keyword_set(bcfile) then sxaddpar, hdr, 'OPBC', bcfile if keyword_set(configfile) then sxaddpar, hdr, 'OPCONFIG', configfile if keyword_set(ecalibfile) then sxaddpar, hdr, 'OPECALIB', ecalibfile sxdelpar, hdr, 'UNSIGNED' if (keyword_set(outfile)) then begin mwrfits, image, outfile, hdr, /create mwrfits, invvar, outfile endif return end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------