;+ ; NAME: ; mdrp_fluxcal ; ; PURPOSE: ; Flux calibrate sky-subtracted MaNGA frames (mgSFrame) on a ; per-camera basis. This routine needs to be run once ; per spectrograph; innames should be ; a 2-element (N_camera=2) array of names pointing to the ; corresponding mgSFrame files. ; ; b1calib is essentially like extension 0 of the ; BOSS files spFluxcalib, which is calibimg = float( bspline_valu(loglam1, thisset, x2=x2) ) ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ... ; ; INPUTS: ; innames - filenames for one or many exposures of a plate in one of the ; spectrographs. ; This routine needs to be run per spectrograph. innames should be ; a N_camera (2) element array of names pointing to the ; corresponding mgSFrame files. N_camera=2 ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; plotname - File for the output plot (overrides default) ; /visual - Plots go to X-display instead of file ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; outnames - Array of names of the output mgFFrame files ; bcalib - ; rcalib - ; ; KEYWORDS ; nowritefile - when specified, it does not output the stellar model, mratio, ; mrativar, etc. ; for each star in a file named fluxcal-sp[1,2]-expno.fits ; ; PROCEDURES CALLED: ; ... ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; 25-Mar-2014 First written based on BOSS modules (Renbin Yan) ; 06-May-2014 Tweaked to write out mgFFrame files (David Law) ; 15-May-2014 Added quality control bitmask logic (David Law) ; 08-Sep-2014 Nexp != 1 will break QA routines, make explicit that input ; must be on a per-exposure basis (D. Law) ; 11-Sep-2014 Migrated drpqual to drp2qual (D. Law) ; 04-Apr-2016 Added option for Munari models by Yanping Chen ; 04-Sep-2017 Changed smoothing scale in bspline, updated Telluric and ; stellar feature definition, updated meanthrupt curve and ; how it is used. (Renbin Yan) ; 12-Jan-2018 Add calculation of normalized throughputs (R. Yan, D. Law) ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- function spflux_masklines, loglam, hwidth=hwidth, stellar=stellar, $ telluric=telluric if (NOT keyword_set(hwidth)) then $ hwidth = 5.7e-4 ; Default is to mask +/- 5.7 pix = 400 km/sec mask = bytarr(size(loglam,/dimens)) if (keyword_set(stellar)) then begin starwave = [ $ 3692.6 , $ ; H-16 3698.2 , $ ; H-15 3704.9 , $ ; H-14 3707.1 , $ ; Ca-II 3713.0 , $ ; H-13 3723.0 , $ ; H-12 3735.4 , $ ; H-11 3738.0 , $ ; Ca-II 3751.2 , $ ; H-10 3771.7 , $ ; H-9 3799.0 , $ ; H-8 3836.5 , $ ; H-7 3890.2 , $ ; H-6 3934.8 , $ ; Ca_k 3969.6 , $ ; Ca_H 3971.2 , $ ; H-5 4102.9 , $ ; H-delta 4300. , $ ; G-band 4305. , $ ; G-band 4310. , $ ; more G-band 4341.7 , $ ; H-gamma 4862.7 , $ ; H-beta ; 4687.1 , $ ; He II 5168.8 , $ ; Mg I 5174.1 , $ ; Mg I 5185.0 , $ ; Mg I 5891.6 , $ ; Na I 5897.6 , $ ; Na I 6564.6 , $ ; H-alpha 8500.4 , $ ; Ca II 8544.4 , $ ; Ca II 8664.5 , $ ; Ca II 8752.9 , $ ; H I 8865.3 , $ ; H I ; RY: commented out the following three lines as these are in telluric absorption regions. ; If we mask them, we get bad bspline interpolation in these regions. ; They are not useful for stellar fitting anyway as they are in telluric regions. ; 9017.8 , $ ; H I ; 9232.2 , $ ; H I Pa-6 ; 9548.8 , $ ; H I Pa-5 10052.6 ] ; H I (Pa-delta) ; airtovac, starwave ; commented out because wavelengths of features have already been set in vacuum.RY Jul 13, 2015 for i=0L, n_elements(starwave)-1 do begin mask = mask OR (loglam GT alog10(starwave[i])-hwidth $ AND loglam LT alog10(starwave[i])+hwidth) endfor endif if (keyword_set(telluric)) then begin tellwave1 = [6842., 7146., 7588., 8105., 8910.] tellwave2 = [6980., 7390., 7730., 8440., 9880.] for i=0L, n_elements(tellwave1)-1 do begin mask = mask OR (loglam GT alog10(tellwave1[i]) $ AND loglam LT alog10(tellwave2[i])) endfor endif return, mask end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Divide the spectrum by a median-filtered spectrum. ; The median-filtered version is computed ignoring stellar absorp. features. function spflux_medianfilt, loglam, objflux, objivar, width=width, $ newivar=newivar, _EXTRA=KeywordsForMedian ndim = size(objflux, /n_dimen) dims = size(objflux, /dimens) npix = dims[0] if (ndim EQ 1) then nspec = 1 $ else nspec = dims[1] ;---------- ; Loop over each spectrum medflux = 0 * objflux if (arg_present(objivar)) then newivar = 0 * objivar for ispec=0L, nspec-1 do begin ; For the median-filter, ignore points near stellar absorp. features, ; but keep points near telluric bands. qgood = 1 - spflux_masklines(loglam[*,ispec], /stellar) ; Median-filter, but skipping masked points igood = where(qgood, ngood) thisback = fltarr(dims[0]) if (ngood GT 1) then begin thisback[igood] = djs_median(objflux[igood,ispec], width=width, $ _EXTRA=KeywordsForMedian) endif thisback = djs_maskinterp(thisback, (qgood EQ 0), /const) ; Force the ends of the background to be the same as the spectrum, ; which will force the ratio of the two to be unity. hwidth = ceil((width-1)/2.) thisback[0:hwidth] = objflux[0:hwidth,ispec] thisback[npix-1-hwidth:npix-1] = objflux[npix-1-hwidth:npix-1,ispec] czero2 = where(thisback eq 0., count2) if count2 gt 0 then thisback[czero2] = 1. medflux[*,ispec] = objflux[*,ispec] / thisback if (arg_present(objivar)) then $ newivar[*,ispec] = objivar[*,ispec] * thisback^2 endfor return, medflux end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function spflux_bestmodel, loglam, objflux, objivar, dispimg, kindx=kindx1, $ plottitle=plottitle,template=template compile_opt defint32 filtsz = 99 ; the size of the window used in median-filter the spectra. cspeed = 2.99792458e5 ndim = size(objflux, /n_dimen) dims = size(objflux, /dimens) npix = dims[0] if (ndim EQ 1) then nspec = 1 $ else nspec = dims[1] ;---------- ; Median-filter the object fluxes medflux = spflux_medianfilt(loglam, objflux, objivar, $ width=filtsz, /reflect, newivar=medivar) sqivar = sqrt(medivar) ;---------- ; Mask out the telluric bands sqivar = sqivar * (1 - spflux_masklines(loglam, /telluric)) ;---------- ; Load the Kurucz models into memory ;junk = spflux_read_kurucz(kindx=kindx) CASE template OF 'kurucz': junk = spflux_read_kurucz(kindx=kindx,dslgpsize=dslgpsize) ;;Yanping test 'munari': junk = spflux_read_munari(kindx=kindx,dslgpsize=dslgpsize) ;;Yanping added 'BOSZ' : junk = spflux_read_bosz(kindx=kindx,dslgpsize=dslgpsize) ;;Yanping added else : message,"Flux calibration templates has to be specified and be one of the three: 'kurucz','munari', 'BOSZ'." ENDCASE nmodel = n_elements(kindx) ;---------- ; Fit the redshift just by using a canonical model ifud = where(kindx.teff EQ 6000 AND kindx.g EQ 4 AND kindx.feh EQ -1.5) if (ifud[0] EQ -1) then $ message, 'Could not find fiducial model!' nshift = ceil(1000./cspeed/alog(10.)/dslgpsize/2)*2 ; set this to cover +/-500 km/s ;logshift = (-nshift/2. + findgen(nshift)) * 1.d-4 logshift = (-nshift/2. + findgen(nshift)) * dslgpsize ;;Yanping test chivec = fltarr(nshift) for ishift=0L, nshift-1 do begin ;modflux = spflux_read_kurucz(loglam-logshift[ishift], $ ; dispimg, iselect=ifud) CASE template OF 'kurucz': modflux = spflux_read_kurucz(loglam-logshift[ishift], dispimg, iselect=ifud) ;;Yanping edited 'munari': modflux = spflux_read_munari(loglam-logshift[ishift], dispimg, iselect=ifud) ;;Yanping edited 'BOSZ' : modflux = spflux_read_bosz(loglam-logshift[ishift], dispimg, iselect=ifud) else : message,"Flux calibration templates has to be specified and be one of the three: 'kurucz','munari', 'BOSZ'." ENDCASE ; Median-filter this model medmodel = spflux_medianfilt(loglam, modflux, $ width=filtsz, /reflect) for ispec=0L, nspec-1 do begin chivec[ishift] = chivec[ishift] + computechi2(medflux[*,ispec], $ sqivar[*,ispec], medmodel[*,ispec]) endfor endfor zshift = (10.d^logshift - 1) ; Convert log-lambda shift to redshift zpeak = find_nminima(chivec, zshift, errcode=errcode) splog, 'Best-fit velocity for std star = ', zpeak * cspeed, ' km/s' if (errcode NE 0) then $ splog, 'Warning: Error code ', errcode, ' fitting std star' ; Warning messages if total(finite(chivec) eq 0) gt 0 then begin if total(medivar lt 0) gt 0 then begin message,'There are negative ivar values causing chi-square to be NaN or the likes.' endif else message,'chi-square are NaN or the likes, but not caused by negative ivar.' endif ;---------- ; Generate the Kurucz models at the specified wavelengths + dispersions, ; using the best-fit redshift ;modflux = spflux_read_kurucz(loglam-alog10(1.+zpeak), dispimg) CASE template OF 'kurucz': modflux = spflux_read_kurucz(loglam-alog10(1.+zpeak), dispimg) ;Yanping edited 'munari': modflux = spflux_read_munari(loglam-alog10(1.+zpeak), dispimg) ;Yanping edited 'BOSZ' : modflux = spflux_read_bosz(loglam-alog10(1.+zpeak), dispimg) ;Yanping edited else : message,"Flux calibration templates has to be specified and be one of the three: 'kurucz','munari', 'BOSZ'." ENDCASE ; Need to redo median-filter for the data with the correct redshift medflux = spflux_medianfilt(loglam-alog10(1.+zpeak), objflux, objivar, $ width=filtsz, /reflect, newivar=medivar) sqivar = sqrt(medivar) ;---------- ; Mask out the telluric bands sqivar = sqivar * (1 - spflux_masklines(loglam, /telluric)) ;---------- ; Loop through each model, computing the best chi^2 ; as the sum of the best-fit chi^2 to each of the several spectra ; for this same object. Counting only the regions around stellar absorption features. ; We do this after a median-filtering of both the spectra + the models. chiarr = fltarr(nmodel,nspec) chivec = fltarr(nmodel) medmodelarr = modflux*0.0 mlines = spflux_masklines(loglam-alog10(1.+zpeak), hwidth=12e-4, /stellar) linesqivar = sqivar * mlines linechiarr = fltarr(nmodel,nspec) linechivec = fltarr(nmodel) for imodel=0L, nmodel-1 do begin ; Median-filter this model medmodelarr[*,*,imodel] = spflux_medianfilt(loglam-alog10(1.+zpeak), modflux[*,*,imodel], $ width=filtsz, /reflect) for ispec=0L, nspec-1 do begin chiarr[imodel,ispec] = total((medflux[*,ispec]-medmodelarr[*,ispec,imodel])^2*sqivar[*,ispec]*sqivar[*,ispec]) linechiarr[imodel,ispec] = total((medflux[*,ispec]-medmodelarr[*,ispec,imodel])^2*linesqivar[*,ispec]*linesqivar[*,ispec]) endfor chivec[imodel] = total(chiarr[imodel,*]) linechivec[imodel] = total(linechiarr[imodel,*]) endfor ;---------- ; Return the best-fit model ; Computed both full spectra chi^2 and line chi^2, but use the line chi^2 to select the best model. linechi2 = min(linechivec, ibest) linedof = total(linesqivar NE 0) ; splog, 'Best-fit total chi2/DOF = ', minchi2/(dof>1) splog, 'Best-fit line chi2/DOF = ', linechi2/(linedof>1) bestflux = modflux[*,*,ibest] medmodel = spflux_medianfilt(loglam-alog10(1.+zpeak), bestflux, $ width=filtsz, /reflect) ;---------- ; Compute the median S/N for all the spectra of this object, ; and for those data just near the absorp. lines indx = where(objivar gt 0,ct) if (ct GT 1) then sn_median = median(objflux[indx] * sqrt(objivar[indx])) else sn_median=0 indx = where(mlines, ct) if (ct GT 1) then $ linesn_median = median(objflux[indx] * sqrt(objivar[indx])) $ else $ linesn_median = 0. splog, 'Full median S/N = ', sn_median splog, 'Line median S/N = ', linesn_median kindx1 = create_struct(kindx[ibest], $ 'IMODEL', ibest, $ 'Z', zpeak, $ 'SN_MEDIAN', sn_median, $ ; 'CHI2', minchi2, $ ; 'DOF', dof, $ 'LINESN_MEDIAN', linesn_median, $ 'LINECHI2', linechi2, $ 'LINEDOF', linedof) ;---------- ; Plot the filtered object spectrum, overplotting the best-fit Kurucz/Munari model ;;Yanping edited ; Select the observation to plot that has the highest S/N, ; and one that goes blueward of 4000 Ang. snvec = total(objflux * sqrt(objivar), 1) $ * (10.^loglam[0,*] LT 4000 OR 10.^loglam[npix-1,*] LT 4000) junk = max(snvec, iplot) ; Best blue exposure snvec = total(objflux * sqrt(objivar), 1) $ * (10.^loglam[0,*] GT 8600 OR 10.^loglam[npix-1,*] GT 8600) junk = max(snvec, jplot) ; Best red exposure csize = 0.85 djs_plot, [3840., 4120.], [0.0, 1.4], /xstyle, /ystyle, /nodata, $ xtitle='Wavelength [Ang]', ytitle='Normalized Flux', $ title=plottitle if (iplot[0] NE -1) then begin djs_oplot, 10^loglam[*,iplot], medflux[*,iplot] djs_oplot, 10^loglam[*,iplot], medmodel[*,iplot], color='red' endif xyouts, 3860, 1.25, kindx1.model, charsize=csize ; djs_xyouts, 4000, 0.3, charsize=csize, $ ; string(minchi2/(dof>1), format='("Total \chi^2/DOF=",f5.2)') djs_xyouts, 4000, 0.2, charsize=csize, $ string(linechi2/(linedof>1), format='("Lines \chi^2/DOF=",f5.2)') djs_xyouts, 3860, 0.1, string(kindx1.feh, kindx1.teff, kindx1.g, $ zpeak*cspeed, $ format='("Fe/H=", f4.1, " T_{eff}=", f6.0, " g=", f3.1, " cz=",f5.0)'), $ charsize=csize djs_plot, [8440., 9160.], [0.0, 1.4], /xstyle, /ystyle, /nodata, $ xtitle='Wavelength [Ang]', ytitle='Normalized Flux' if (jplot[0] NE -1) then begin djs_oplot, 10^loglam[*,jplot], medflux[*,jplot] djs_oplot, 10^loglam[*,jplot], medmodel[*,jplot], color='red' endif ; outmodflux = spflux_read_kurucz(outloglam-alog10(1.+zpeak), outdispimg,iselect=ibest) return,bestflux end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function spflux_goodfiber, pixmask qgood = ((pixmask AND drp2pixmask_bits('NOPLUG')) EQ 0) $ AND ((pixmask AND drp2pixmask_bits('BADTRACE')) EQ 0) $ AND ((pixmask AND drp2pixmask_bits('BADFLAT')) EQ 0) $ AND ((pixmask AND drp2pixmask_bits('BADARC')) EQ 0) $ AND ((pixmask AND drp2pixmask_bits('MANYBADCOLUMNS')) EQ 0) $ AND ((pixmask AND drp2pixmask_bits('NEARWHOPPER')) EQ 0) $ AND ((pixmask AND drp2pixmask_bits('MANYREJECTED')) EQ 0) return, qgood end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function spflux_bspline, loglam, mratio, mrativar, outmask=outmask, $ everyn=everyn, disp=disp, hwidth=hwidth, stellar=stellar, telluric=telluric isort = bsort(loglam) nord = 3 if NOT keyword_set(hwidth) then hwidth=12.e-4 ; Choose the break points using the EVERYN option, but masking ; out more pixels near stellar features and/or telluric just when selecting them. mask1 = 1 - spflux_masklines(loglam, hwidth=hwidth, stellar=stellar,telluric=telluric) ii = where(mrativar[isort] GT 0 AND mask1[isort] EQ 1) bkpt = 0 fullbkpt = bspline_bkpts(loglam[isort[ii]], everyn=everyn, $ bkpt=bkpt, nord=nord) outmask1 = 0 if (keyword_set(disp)) then begin x2 = disp[isort] endif sset = bspline_iterfit(loglam[isort], mratio[isort], $ invvar=mrativar[isort], lower=3, upper=3, fullbkpt=fullbkpt, $ maxrej=ceil(0.05*n_elements(indx)), outmask=outmask1, nord=nord, $ x2=x2, npoly=2*keyword_set(disp), requiren=(everyn-1)>1) if (max(sset.coeff) EQ 0) then $ message, 'B-spline fit failed!!' if (arg_present(outmask)) then begin outmask = bytarr(size(loglam,/dimens)) outmask[isort] = outmask1 endif return, sset end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function typingmodule, objflux,loglam,objivar,dispimg,sfd_ebv,psfmag,kindx=kindx,modflux=modflux,plottitle=plottitle,$ template=template, thekfile=thekfile, targetflag=targetflag npix = (size(objflux,/dimen))[0] ;---------- ; For each star, find the best-fit model. ; !p.multi = [0,1,2] modflux = 0 * objflux ; Find the best-fit model -- evaluated for each exposure [NPIX,NEXP] thismodel = spflux_bestmodel(loglam, objflux, objivar,dispimg, $ kindx=kindx,plottitle=plottitle,template=template) ; CASE template OF ; 'kurucz': thismodel = spflux_bestmodel(loglam, objflux, $ ; objivar, dispimg, kindx=kindx, plottitle=plottitle,/kurucz) ; if keyword_set(munari) then thismodel = spflux_bestmodel(loglam, objflux, $ ; objivar, dispimg, kindx=kindx, plottitle=plottitle,/munari) ; Also evaluate this model over a big wavelength range [3006,10960] Ang. tmploglam = 3.4780d0 + lindgen(5620) * 1.d-4 tmpdispimg = 0 * tmploglam + 1.0 ; arbitrarily select this resolution tmpdispimg = interpol(dispimg,loglam,tmploglam) ;tmpflux = spflux_read_kurucz(tmploglam-alog10(1+kindx.z), tmpdispimg, $ ; iselect=kindx.imodel) CASE template OF 'kurucz': tmpflux = spflux_read_kurucz(tmploglam-alog10(1+kindx.z), tmpdispimg, $ iselect=kindx.imodel, thekfile=thekfile) 'munari': tmpflux = spflux_read_munari(tmploglam-alog10(1+kindx.z), tmpdispimg, $ iselect=kindx.imodel, thekfile=thekfile) 'BOSZ': tmpflux = spflux_read_bosz(tmploglam-alog10(1+kindx.z), tmpdispimg, $ iselect=kindx.imodel, thekfile=thekfile) else : message,'Template is not specified correctly.' ENDCASE ; The returned models are redshifted, but not fluxed or ; reddened. Do that now... we compare data vs. model reddened. extcurve1 = ext_odonnell(10.^loglam, 3.1) thismodel = thismodel * 10.^(-extcurve1 * 3.1 * sfd_ebv / 2.5) extcurve2 = ext_odonnell(10.^tmploglam, 3.1) tmpflux = tmpflux * 10.^(-extcurve2 * 3.1 * sfd_ebv / 2.5) ; Now integrate the apparent magnitude for this spectrum, ; The units of FTHRU are such that m = -2.5*alog10(FTHRU) + (48.6-2.5*17) ; Note that these computed magnitudes, THISMAG, should be equivalent ; to THISINDX.MAG in the case of no reddening. wavevec = 10.d0^tmploglam flambda2fnu = wavevec^2 / 2.99792e18 fthru = filter_thru(tmpflux * flambda2fnu, waveimg=wavevec, /toair) thismag = -2.5 * alog10(fthru) - (48.6-2.5*17) ; Compute SCALEFAC = (plugmap flux) / (flux of the model spectrum) if (targetflag and sdss_flagval('MANGA_TARGET2','STELLIB_GAIA')) ne 0 then begin sdss_gi = thismag[1]-thismag[3] gaia_g = thismag[1]+ 0.098958 -0.6758*sdss_gi -0.043274*sdss_gi*sdss_gi +0.0039908*sdss_gi^3 scalefac = 10.^((gaia_g-psfmag[1])/2.5) kindx.mag[1] = psfmag[1] endif else begin scalefac = 10.^((thismag[2]-psfmag[2])/2.5) kindx.mag = reform(thismag)+psfmag[2]-thismag[2] endelse thismodel = thismodel * scalefac modflux = thismodel splog, prelog='' !p.multi = 0 return,0 end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function matchbundleratio2, bundleratio, ratioivar, reffiber, distarr, cenwave=cenwave,dwave=dwave,predictratio=predictratio,usemask=usemask,weight=weight,ivarweight=ivarweight,lambda=lambda ;common com_fluxbundle, cube,xarr,yarr,wavearr common com_fluxbundle2, psfplane,xarr,wavearr if n_elements(cenwave) ne n_elements(dwave) then message,'Error: cenwave and dwave must have the same number of elements.' if n_elements(weight) ne n_elements(lambda) then message,'Error: lambda and weight must have the same number of elements.' if (size(weight,/dimen))[0] ne (size(ivarweight,/dimen))[0] then message,"Error: ivarweight's first dimension must match weight." ; stop xpos = interpol(findgen(n_elements(xarr)),xarr,distarr) nfiber = (size(distarr,/dimen))[0] ndistwave = (size(distarr,/dimen))[1] if nfiber ne (size(ivarweight,/dimen))[2] then message,"Error: ivarweight's third dimension must match nfiber." nwave = n_elements(cenwave) n_wavearr = n_elements(wavearr) if ndistwave ne n_wavearr then message,'Error: the 2nd dimension of distarrr does not match the dimension of wavearr.' siz = size(bundleratio,/dimen) nfile = siz[1] if siz[2] ne nfiber then message,'Error: the 3rd dimension of bundleratio does not match nfiber.' if siz[0] ne nwave then message,'Error: the 1st dimension of bundleratio does not match nwave.' covfn=fltarr(nwave,nfile,nfiber) for i=0,nfiber-1 do begin covfn_wavearr = interpolate(psfplane,xpos[i,*],indgen(n_wavearr)) covfn_allwave = interpol(covfn_wavearr,wavearr,lambda[*,*,i]) weightedflux = covfn_allwave*weight[*,*,i]*ivarweight[*,*,i] for ifile=0,nfile-1 do begin for j=0,nwave-1 do begin lam1=cenwave[j]-dwave[j]/2. lam2=cenwave[j]+dwave[j]/2. ind = where(lambda[*,ifile,i] ge lam1 and lambda[*,ifile,i] lt lam2 and ivarweight[*,ifile,i] gt 0, ngood) if ngood eq 0 then continue covfn[j,ifile,i] = total(weightedflux[ind,ifile])/total(ivarweight[ind,ifile,i]) endfor endfor endfor refpredict = rebin(covfn[*,*,reffiber],nwave,nfile,nfiber) predictratio=covfn/(refpredict + (refpredict eq 0)) useid = where(indgen(nfiber) ne reffiber and usemask,nuse) diff = (bundleratio[*,*,useid]-predictratio[*,*,useid])*sqrt(ratioivar[*,*,useid] < (1/0.003)^2) ind_valid = where(ratioivar[*,*,useid] gt 0,nvalid) if nvalid gt 0 then chi2 = total(diff[ind_valid]*diff[ind_valid])/(nvalid-1) else chi2 = 1.e38 return,chi2 end function mcmcbundleratio,fluxratio,fluxratioivar,offsetx0=offsetx0,offsety0=offsety0,fiberoffx=fiberoffx,fiberoffy=fiberoffy,nfiber=nfiber,n_wavearr=n_wavearr,reffiber=reffiber,centerwave=centerwave,dwave=dwave,innermask=innermask,weight=weight,ivarweight=ivarweight,lambda=lambda,scale=scale,rotation=rotation,xbest=xbest,ybest=ybest,nstep=nstep,debug=debug,errorreport=errorreport,fixlist=fixlist,seed=seed if n_elements(offsetx0) ne n_elements(offsety0) then message,'Error: Offsetx0 and Offsety0 do NOT have the same number of elements.' if n_elements(offsetx0) ne n_wavearr then message,'Error: Number of elements in offsetx0 (offsety0) does not equal to n_wavearr.' if NOT keyword_set(fixlist) then fixlist = [0,0,0,0] stepsize = [0.06,2,0.08] ; [positional move radius, rotation in degree, scale of ADR] if NOT keyword_set(nstep) then nstep =1000L ;splog,'TEST: ',randomu(seed,1) random=randomu(seed,nstep*4) rr = sqrt(random[0:nstep-1]) theta = random[nstep:2*nstep-1]*!pi*2 xstep = rr*cos(theta) ystep = rr*sin(theta) if fixlist[2] ne 1 then anglestep = random[2*nstep:3*nstep-1]-0.5 else anglestep = 0.0 ;*stepsize[1]*!dtor if fixlist[3] ne 1 then scalestep = random[3*nstep:4*nstep-1]-0.5 else scalestep = 0.0 ;*stepsize[2]) offsetx = offsetx0 offsety = offsety0 dxarr = fiberoffx#(fltarr(n_wavearr)+1)-(fltarr(nfiber)+1)#offsetx dyarr = fiberoffy#(fltarr(n_wavearr)+1)-(fltarr(nfiber)+1)#offsety distarr = sqrt(dxarr*dxarr+dyarr*dyarr) oldchi2 = matchbundleratio2(fluxratio,fluxratioivar,reffiber,distarr,cenwave=centerwave,dwave=dwave,usemask=innermask,weight=weight,ivarweight=ivarweight,lambda=lambda) xposarr = fltarr(nstep+1) yposarr = fltarr(nstep+1) scalearr = fltarr(nstep+1) rotationarr = fltarr(nstep+1) chi2arr = fltarr(nstep+1) stepnum = intarr(nstep+1) chi2arr[0] = oldchi2 newscale = 1.0 newrotation = 0.0 newx = fiberoffx newy = fiberoffy npoint=0 badstep_ct=0 bestcounter=0 bestchi2 = oldchi2 for i=0,nstep-1 do begin ; if i mod 1000 eq 0 then print,i if fixlist[3] ne 1 then begin tmpscale = (newscale*10^(scalestep[i]*stepsize[2]) < 1.2) > 0.8 offsetx=offsetx0*tmpscale offsety=offsety0*tmpscale endif else tmpscale = 1.0 if fixlist[2] ne 1 then begin tmprotation = (newrotation + anglestep[i]*stepsize[1]*!dtor < 0.17 ) > (-0.17) rotmatrix = [[cos(tmprotation),-sin(tmprotation)],[sin(tmprotation),cos(tmprotation)]] xy2= [[offsetx],[offsety]]#rotmatrix offsetx = xy2[*,0] offsety = xy2[*,1] endif else tmprotation=0.0 if fixlist[0] ne 1 then dx = xstep[i]*stepsize[0] else dx=0.0 if fixlist[1] ne 1 then dy = ystep[i]*stepsize[0] else dy=0.0 dxarr = (newx+dx)#(fltarr(n_wavearr)+1)-(fltarr(nfiber)+1)#offsetx dyarr = (newy+dy)#(fltarr(n_wavearr)+1)-(fltarr(nfiber)+1)#offsety distarr = sqrt(dxarr*dxarr+dyarr*dyarr) newchi2 = matchbundleratio2(fluxratio,fluxratioivar,reffiber,distarr,cenwave=centerwave,dwave=dwave,usemask=innermask,weight=weight,ivarweight=ivarweight,lambda=lambda) if newchi2 lt oldchi2 or randomu(seed,1) lt exp(oldchi2-newchi2) then begin npoint += 1 xposarr[npoint] = xposarr[npoint-1]+dx yposarr[npoint] = yposarr[npoint-1]+dy scalearr[npoint] = tmpscale rotationarr[npoint] = tmprotation chi2arr[npoint] = newchi2 oldchi2 = newchi2 newx = newx+dx newy = newy+dy newscale = tmpscale newrotation = tmprotation if newchi2 lt bestchi2*0.95 then begin oldbestchi2 = bestchi2 bestchi2 = newchi2 bestcounter = 0 endif else bestcounter += 1 stepnum[npoint]=i endif else begin badstep_ct +=1 if badstep_ct gt 300 then begin stepsize = stepsize*0.6 if stepsize[0] lt 0.003 and stepsize[1] lt 0.25 and stepsize[2] lt 0.004 then break badstep_ct=0 endif endelse if bestcounter gt 300 then break endfor ; print,'Iteration stopped on step ',i ; print,'Number of bad steps:',badstep_ct chi2arr = chi2arr[0:npoint] xposarr = xposarr[0:npoint] yposarr = yposarr[0:npoint] scalearr = scalearr[0:npoint] rotationarr = rotationarr[0:npoint] tmp = min(chi2arr,ind) xbest = xposarr[ind] ybest = yposarr[ind] scale = scalearr[ind] rotation = rotationarr[ind] fchi2 = chi2arr[ind] if keyword_set(errorreport) then begin q=where(chi2arr lt 2*min(chi2arr),nq) if nq gt 2 then begin xerr = stddev(xposarr[q]) yerr = stddev(yposarr[q]) print,'MCMC X uncertainty:',xerr print,'MCMC Y uncertainty:',yerr endif endif ; erase ; multiplot,[0,1,5,0,0] ; plot,stepnum,xposarr,ytitle='X POS' ; multiplot ; plot,stepnum,yposarr,ytitle='Y POS' ; multiplot ; plot,stepnum,scalearr,ytitle='Scale' ; multiplot ; plot,stepnum,rotationarr,ytitle='Rotation' ; multiplot ; plot,stepnum,chi2arr,ytitle='Chi Square' ; multiplot,[1,1],/default if keyword_set(debug) then stop return,fchi2 end ; innames should be an nexp x ncamera array of names ; pointing to the corresponding mgSFrame files. pro mdrp_fluxcal, innames, outnames=outnames, bcalib=bcalib,rcalib=rcalib,docams=docams, visual=visual, plotname=plotname, centerwave=centerwave, dwave=dwave,staroffx=staroffx,staroffy=staroffy, combinedir=combinedir,nowritefile=nowritefile,writename=writename, debugpsf=debugpsf,template=template,time=time common com_fluxbundle2, psfplane,xarr,wavearr common plotcolors, black, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, white,grey time0 = systime(1) cc = 2.997925e10 ; in cm planck = 6.626d-27 ; planck's constant in cgs mirrorarea = 3.5814e4 ; in cm^2 ; diameter 2.5 meter with 1.3 meter obstruction (secondary+baffle) manga_redux_dir = getenv('MANGA_SPECTRO_REDUX') drpver = ~keyword_set(drpver) ? mangadrp_version(/simple) : strtrim(drpver,2) if NOT keyword_set(template) then template = 'kurucz' if template ne 'munari' and template ne 'kurucz' and template ne 'BOSZ' then message,'Template keyword need to be either "munari", "kurucz", or "BOSZ".' ;;Yanping change 'or' to 'and' ; Set the output names outnames=strarr(n_elements(innames)) for i=0,n_elements(innames)-1 do begin outnames[i]=ml_strreplace(innames[i],'mgSFrame','mgFFrame') ; Make sure outname name doesn't end in '.gz' outnames[i]=ml_ensurenogz(outnames[i]) endfor nfile = n_elements(innames) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Quality control checks. If fails return from function ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Require that nfile=2; must be provided a blue and red frame ; for a single spectrograph if (nfile ne 2) then begin splog,'Incorrect number of files provided to mdrp_fluxcal, skipping!' return endif ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; End quality control checks ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Set up display if specified, otherwise set plot file if (keyword_set(visual)) then begin set_plot,'x' device,decomposed=0 loadct,0,/silent !p.multi=[0,1,2] !p.thick=0 & !x.thick=0 & !y.thick=0 & !p.charthick=0 endif else begin set_plot,'ps' origp=!p origx=!x origy=!y !p.multi=[0,1,2] !p.thick=0 & !x.thick=0 & !y.thick=0 & !p.charthick=0 if (keyword_set(plotname)) then plotname=plotname $ else begin ; Set default plotname plotname=fileandpath(ml_psfilename(outnames[0]),path=path) path=path+'qa/' plotname=path+plotname if file_test(path,/directory) eq 0 then spawn, '\mkdir -p '+path plotname=ml_strreplace(plotname,'mgFFrame-b','mgFFrame-spec') endelse splog,'Printing to ',plotname dfpsplot, plotname, /color endelse lat = 32+46/60.+49/3600.d lon = -(105.+49/60.+13/3600.d) plateid = lonarr(nfile) mjd = lonarr(nfile) camname = strarr(nfile) camid = strarr(nfile) expnum = lonarr(nfile) spectroid = lonarr(nfile) npixarr = lonarr(nfile) dcnra = fltarr(nfile) dcndec = fltarr(nfile) jd = dblarr(nfile) ha = fltarr(nfile) tptemp = fltarr(nfile) for ifile=0, nfile-1 do begin infile=lookforgzip(innames[ifile]) ml_mgframeread, infile, hdr=hdr plateid[ifile] = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'PLATEID'),2) mjd[ifile] = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'MJD'),2) camname[ifile] = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'CAMERAS'),2) spectroid[ifile] = strmid(camname[ifile],1,1) camid[ifile] = strmid(camname[ifile],0,1) expnum[ifile] = sxpar(hdr, 'EXPOSURE') ; hdr1 = headfits(innames[ifile],exten='FLUX') npixarr[ifile] = sxpar(hdr, 'NAXIS1') dcnra[ifile] = sxpar(hdr,'MGDRA') dcndec[ifile] = sxpar(hdr,'MGDDEC') jd[ifile] = (sxpar(hdr,'TAI-BEG')+sxpar(hdr,'EXPTIME')/2.)/86400.+2400000.5 tptemp[ifile] = sxpar(hdr,'TRANSPAR') endfor maxmjd = max(mjd) ; Initialize seed to something predictable seed=expnum[0] junk=randomu(seed,1) ;print,'SEEDS: ',expnum[0],junk uexp = uniq(expnum, bsort(expnum)) exposures = expnum[uexp] nexp = n_elements(uexp) ; Vectors to contain seeing and transparency seeing=fltarr(nexp) transparency=tptemp[uexp] for iexp=0,nexp-1 do begin ind = where(expnum eq exposures[iexp]) platestr = string(plateid[0],format='(i0.0)') mjdstr = string(mjd[0],format='(i0.0)') cogimg_dir = djs_filepath('', root_dir=ml_getenv('MANGA_SPECTRO_REDUX'), subdir=[drpver,platestr,mjdstr]) cogimg_file= file_search(cogimg_dir,'cogimg-'+mjdstr+'-'+string(exposures[iexp],format='(i8.8)')+'.fits*',count=ct) if ct eq 0 then $ coaddgimg,plateid[ind[0]],mjd[ind[0]],exposures[iexp] psf=psfparams(plateid[ind[0]],mjd[ind[0]],exposures[iexp],transparency=transpar) endfor goodexp = where(transparency gt 0.05,ngoodexp) if ngoodexp lt nexp then begin splog,'There are '+string(nexp-ngoodexp,format='(i0.0)')+' exposures with near-zero transparency. So, I cannot do flux calibration.' return endif ml_mgframeread,innames[0],slitmap=slitmap plugged=where(slitmap.plugstatus eq 0) eq2hor,slitmap[plugged[0]].cenra*(dblarr(nfile)+1),slitmap[plugged[0]].cendec*(dblarr(nfile)+1),jd,alt,az,ha,lat=lat,lon=lon,altitude=2788. usp = uniq(spectroid,bsort(spectroid)) if n_elements(usp) ne 1 then message, 'Run mdrp_fluxcal per spectrograph' ;Truncate the slitmap to one of the spectrograph slitmap = slitmap[where(slitmap.spectrographid eq spectroid[0])] ; iphoto = where(strtrim(slitmap.targettype,2) eq 'standard' and slitmap.plugstatus eq 0,nphoto) iphoto = where((slitmap.manga_target2 and 2L^20+2L^21+2L^22+2L^23+2L^24+2L^25+2L^26+2L^27) ne 0 and slitmap.plugstatus eq 0, nphoto) isky = where(strmatch(slitmap.fibertype,'*SKY*',/fold_case) and strmatch(slitmap.targettype,'SKY*',/fold_case),nsky) if (nphoto EQ 0) then begin splog, 'WARNING: NO standard stars in this spectrograph for flux calibration' return endif npix = max(npixarr) loglam = dblarr(npix, nfile, nphoto) objflux = fltarr(npix, nfile, nphoto) objivar = fltarr(npix, nfile, nphoto) dispimg = fltarr(npix, nfile, nphoto) ; airmass = fltarr(npix, nfile, nphoto1+nphoto2) for ifile=0,nfile-1 do begin ml_mgframeread,innames[ifile],iphoto,objflux=objflux1,objivar=objivar1,mask=mask1,loglam=loglam1,$ wset=wset1, dispset=dispset1,dispimg=dispimg1,superflat=superflat,hdr=hdr ; ml_mgframeread,innames[ifile],isky,objflux=skyflux1,objivar=skyivar1,mask=skymask1,loglam=skyloglam1,wset=skywset1, dispset=skydispset1,dispimg=skydispimg1,superflat=superflatsky exptime = sxpar(hdr,'EXPTIME') ; convert flux and ivar from flat-field e- to actual e-/sec. objflux1 = objflux1*superflat/exptime objivar1 = objivar1/(superflat*superflat+(superflat eq 0))*(exptime*exptime) ; skyflux1 = skyflux1*superflatsky/exptime ; skyivar1 = skyivar1/(superflatsky*superflatsky+(superflatsky eq 0))*(exptime*exptime) ; Make a map of the size of each pixel in delta-(log10-Angstroms). ; Re-normalize the flux to ADU/(dloglam). ; Re-normalize the dispersion from /(raw pixel) to /(new pixel). correct_dlam,objflux1,objivar1,wset1,dlam=dloglam correct_dlam,dispimg1,0,wset1,dlam=dloglam,/inverse ; correct_dlam,skyflux1,skyivar1,skywset1,dlam=dloglam ; correct_dlam,skydispimg1,0,skywset1,dlam=dloglam,/inverse objivar1 = objivar1 * spflux_goodfiber(mask1) ; skyivar1 = skyivar1 * spflux_goodfiber(skymask1) if 0 then begin ; temporarily disable all sky subtraction in this code. ; Do a global sky subtraction to subtract residual skies. tmpskyarr = skyflux1*0.0 for i=0,nsky-1 do tmpskyarr[*,i] = interpol(skyflux1[*,i],skyloglam1[*,i],skyloglam1[*,0]) badmask = skyivar1 eq 0.0 tmpmaskarr = badmask*0 for i=0,nsky-1 do tmpmaskarr[*,i] = interpol(badmask[*,i],skyloglam1[*,i],skyloglam1[*,0]) newbadmask = tmpmaskarr gt 0 mediansky = dblarr(npixarr[ifile]) medianskyivar = dblarr(npixarr[ifile]) for k=0,npixarr[ifile]-1 do begin good = where(newbadmask[k,*] eq 0,ngood) if ngood lt 5 then continue mediansky[k] = median(tmpskyarr[k,good],/even) medianskyivar[k] = 1/ml_medianerr(tmpskyarr[k,good])^2 endfor for i=0,nphoto-1 do begin individualsky = interpol(mediansky,skyloglam1[*,0],loglam1[*,i]) individualskyivar = interpol(medianskyivar,skyloglam1[*,0],loglam1[*,i]) objflux1[*,i] = objflux1[*,i]-individualsky objivar1[*,i] = objivar1[*,i]*individualskyivar/(objivar1[*,i]+individualskyivar + ((objivar1[*,i]+individualskyivar) eq 0.0)) endfor endif loglam[0:npixarr[ifile]-1,ifile,*] = loglam1 ;it wont do having a tail of zeros in the wavelength so add some dummy values if (npix GT npixarr[ifile]) then begin dllam=loglam1[npixarr[ifile]-1,*]-loglam1[npixarr[ifile]-2,*] for j=0, nphoto-1 do $ loglam[npixarr[ifile]:*,ifile,j] = loglam1[npixarr[ifile]-1,j]+dllam[0,j]*(1+findgen(npix-npixarr[ifile])) endif objflux[0:npixarr[ifile]-1,ifile,*] = objflux1 ;hopefully the inverse variance of 0 of non-filled objects will indicate the uselessness ; of the extra objivar[0:npixarr[ifile]-1,ifile,*] = skymask(objivar1, mask1, mask1) dispimg[0:npixarr[ifile]-1,ifile,*] = dispimg1 endfor lambda = 10^loglam energy = cc*planck/(lambda* 1.d-8)*1.d17 ; put energy also in units of 10^(-17) erg. ; dlambda = lambda-shift(lambda,[1,0]) ; because flux was in e- per pixel of 1e-4 in log(lambda) dlambda = 1.e-4*alog(10.)*lambda ; this is the pixel width in Angstrom unitfactor = energy/dlambda/mirrorarea objflux = objflux*unitfactor ; observed engery per sec per Angstrom per cm^2 * 10^17 objivar = objivar/unitfactor/unitfactor thru=mrdfits(getenv('MANGADRP_DIR')+'/etc/meanthrupt.fits',1) if spectroid[0] eq 1 then init_thru = thru.sp1thrupt if spectroid[0] eq 2 then init_thru = thru.sp2thrupt tagnames = tag_names(thru) if total(strmatch(tagnames,'SP1CORR',/fold)) gt 0 then begin if spectroid[0] eq 1 then init_thru=init_thru*thru.sp1corr if spectroid[0] eq 2 then init_thru=init_thru*thru.sp2corr endif thrupt = objflux*0.0 blues = where(camid eq 'b',nblue) if nblue gt 0 then thrupt[*,blues,*] = interpol(init_thru[*,0],thru.loglam,loglam[*,blues,*]) > 0.0 reds = where(camid eq 'r',nred) if nred gt 0 then thrupt[*,reds,*] = interpol(init_thru[*,1],thru.loglam,loglam[*,reds,*]) > 0.0 objflux = objflux/(thrupt+(thrupt eq 0)) objivar = objivar*thrupt*thrupt frlplug = slitmap[iphoto].frlplug uuplug = uniq(frlplug,bsort(frlplug)) starplug = frlplug[uuplug] nstar = n_elements(starplug) euler,slitmap[iphoto[uuplug]].ra,slitmap[iphoto[uuplug]].dec,l,b,1 sfd_ebv = dust_getval(l,b,/interp) starttime=systime(/sec) for istar=0,nstar-1 do begin starttime_istar=systime(/sec) print,'Processing standard star in Ferrule '+string(starplug[istar],format='(i0.0)') bind = where(slitmap[iphoto].frlplug eq starplug[istar],nfiber) ss = bsort(slitmap[iphoto[bind]].fnum) bind = bind[ss] ; slitmap[iphoto[bind]] gives the fibers in the bundle sorted in order of fnum ; bind also correspond to the row numbers in objflux and objivar. ; as those correspond to part of the original frame as read in with indices iphoto. platescale = 3.62730/60. ; (mm/arcsec) as given in Gunn et al. 2006 fiberx = slitmap[iphoto[bind]].xpmm/platescale fibery = slitmap[iphoto[bind]].ypmm/platescale ; Now identify which fibers belong to the central 7 fiber group in the bundle. This is for cases when we have standard star in a science IFU bundle. ; xmedian = median(slitmap[iphoto[bind]].xpmm)/platescale ; ymedian = median(slitmap[iphoto[bind]].ypmm)/platescale ; dist = sqrt((fiberx-xmedian)^2 + (fibery-ymedian)^2) ; tmp = min(dist,center) ; innermask = (sqrt((fiberx-fiberx[center])^2+(fibery-fibery[center])^2) lt 3) and (slitmap[iphoto[bind]].gbu eq 0) ; innerfiber = where(innermask,ninner) ; bind = bind[innerfiber] ; nfiber = ninner lam0 = 3500. if NOT (keyword_set(centerwave) and keyword_set(dwave)) then begin wave1 = [3500.,4000.,4500.,5000.,5500.,6500.,7500.,9000.] wave2 = [4000.,4500.,5000.,5500.,6500.,7500.,9000.,10500.] ; wave1 = [5000.] ; wave2 = [5500.] nwave = n_elements(wave1) centerwave = (wave1+wave2)/2. dwave = wave2-wave1 endif else begin if n_elements(centerwave) ne n_elements(dwave) then message,'centerwave and dwave must have the same number of elements.' nwave = n_elements(centerwave) wave1 = centerwave-dwave/2. wave2 = centerwave+dwave/2. endelse sn = objflux*sqrt(objivar) fibersn = total(total(sn[*,*,bind],1),1) tmp = max(fibersn,reffiber) ; temporary, reffiber reset later dist = sqrt((fiberx-fiberx[reffiber])^2+(fibery-fibery[reffiber])^2) ssdist = bsort(dist) innerfiber=ssdist[0:6] innerfiber = innerfiber[where(slitmap[iphoto[bind[innerfiber]]].gbu eq 0,ninner)] bind = bind[innerfiber] nfiber = ninner fibersn = fibersn[innerfiber] tmp = max(fibersn,reffiber) ; temporary, reffiber reset later-- though it won't change in principle. thisbundle = starplug[istar] thisfiber = iphoto[bind[reffiber]] plottitle = 'PLATE=' + string(plateid[0], format='(i4.4)') $ + ' MJD=' + string(maxmjd, format='(i5.5)') $ + ' Spectro-Photo Star' $ + ' Bundle '+ strtrim(thisbundle,2) $ + ' Fiber ' + strtrim(thisfiber,2) if (slitmap[iphoto[bind[reffiber]]].manga_target2 and sdss_flagval('MANGA_TARGET2','STELLIB_GAIA')) eq 0 then magid = 2 else magid=1 if abs(slitmap[iphoto[bind[reffiber]]].psfmag[magid]) lt 0.01 then message,'Error: This standard star has a ZERO psfmag. Cannot do flux calibration!!!' tmp = typingmodule(objflux[*,*,bind[reffiber]],loglam[*,*,bind[reffiber]],objivar[*,*,bind[reffiber]],dispimg[*,*,bind[reffiber]],sfd_ebv[istar],slitmap[iphoto[bind[reffiber]]].psfmag,kindx=thisindx,modflux=modflux,plottitle=plottitle,template=template, thekfile=thekfile,targetflag=slitmap[iphoto[bind[reffiber]]].manga_target2) ; CASE template OF ; 'kurucz' : tmp = typingmodule(objflux[*,*,bind[reffiber]],loglam[*,*,bind[reffiber]],objivar[*,*,bind[reffiber]],dispimg[*,*,bind[reffiber]],sfd_ebv[istar],slitmap[iphoto[bind[reffiber]]].psfmag,kindx=thisindx,modflux=modflux,plottitle=plottitle,/kurucz, thekfile=thekfile,targetflag=slitmap[iphoto[bind[reffiber]]].manga_target2) ; 'munari' : tmp = typingmodule(objflux[*,*,bind[reffiber]],loglam[*,*,bind[reffiber]],objivar[*,*,bind[reffiber]],dispimg[*,*,bind[reffiber]],sfd_ebv[istar],slitmap[iphoto[bind[reffiber]]].psfmag,kindx=thisindx,modflux=modflux,plottitle=plottitle,/munari,targetflag=slitmap[iphoto[bind[reffiber]]].manga_target2, thekfile=thekfile) ; else : message,'template has to be either munari or kurucz.' ; ENDCASE ; modflux returend from typingmodule has the dimensions of [npix,nfile] ; we duplicate it for each fiber in the bundle. modflux = rebin(modflux,npix,nfile,nfiber) ; We will generate a correction curve for each camera/spectrograph/exposure. ; The two cameras from the same spectrograph and the same exposure should share a common positional offset and a common DAR model, but they will provide separate data points and get separate correction vector. ; Build fluxarr which will contain the binned flux for each fiber and each file ; blue camera contain 3500-6500A ; red camera contain 5800-10500A. fluxarr = fltarr(nwave,nfile,nfiber) ivararr = fltarr(nwave,nfile,nfiber) for ifile=0,nfile-1 do begin for ifiber=0,nfiber-1 do begin for j=0,nwave-1 do begin lam1 = alog10(wave1[j]) lam2 = alog10(wave2[j]) indwave=where(loglam[*,ifile,bind[ifiber]] gt lam1 and loglam[*,ifile,bind[ifiber]] lt lam2 and objivar[*,ifile,bind[ifiber]] gt 0,ngood) if ngood eq 0 then continue fluxarr[j,ifile,ifiber] = total(objflux[indwave,ifile,bind[ifiber]]*objivar[indwave,ifile,bind[ifiber]])/total(objivar[indwave,ifile,bind[ifiber]]) ivararr[j,ifile,ifiber] = total(objivar[indwave,ifile,bind[ifiber]]) endfor endfor endfor ; Recompute fibersn, this time do not add different camera files/exposures together. fibersn = total(sn[*,*,bind],1) refwave = 5300. for iexp =0,nexp-1 do begin indexp = where(expnum eq exposures[iexp],nexpfile) ; two cameras that belong to that exposure if max(fluxarr[*,indexp,*]) lt 1.e-6 and max(ivararr[*,indexp,*]) lt 1.e-6 then begin print,'No valid data for this ferrule in this exposure.' continue endif psf=psfparams(plateid[indexp[0]],mjd[indexp[0]],expnum[indexp[0]],transparency=transparency,allstars=allstars) seeing[iexp]=psf.fwhm transparency[iexp]=transparency fluxratio = fltarr(nwave,nexpfile,nfiber) fluxratioerr = fltarr(nwave,nexpfile,nfiber) tmp = max(total(fibersn[indexp,*],1),reffiber) refflux = rebin(fluxarr[*,indexp,reffiber],nwave,nexpfile,nfiber) refivar = rebin(ivararr[*,indexp,reffiber],nwave,nexpfile,nfiber) fluxratio = fluxarr[*,indexp,*]/(refflux + (refflux eq 0)) fluxratioerr = abs(fluxratio)*sqrt(1/(fluxarr[*,indexp,*]^2*ivararr[*,indexp,*])+1/(refflux^2*refivar)) fluxratioivar = 1/(fluxratioerr*fluxratioerr) q = where(finite(fluxratioerr) eq 0,n_NaN) if n_NaN gt 0 then fluxratioivar[q] = 0.0 if NOT keyword_set(staroffx) then staroffx = 0.0 if NOT keyword_set(staroffy) then staroffy = 0.0 fiberoffx = slitmap[iphoto[bind]].xpmm/platescale+dcnra[indexp[0]]-staroffx fiberoffy = slitmap[iphoto[bind]].ypmm/platescale+dcndec[indexp[0]]-staroffy tmp = min(abs(centerwave-refwave),i_refwave) i_cam = where(camid[indexp] eq 'b') ; guess_x = total(fiberoffx*reform(fluxarr[i_refwave,indexp[i_cam],*]))/total(fluxarr[i_refwave,indexp[i_cam],*]) ; guess_y = total(fiberoffy*reform(fluxarr[i_refwave,indexp[i_cam],*]))/total(fluxarr[i_refwave,indexp[i_cam],*]) ; fiberoffx = fiberoffx-guess_x ; fiberoffy = fiberoffy-guess_y ; data = total(objflux[*,indexp,bind]*selectbig,3) ; var = total((1/objivar[*,indexp,bind])*selectbig,3) ; ivar = 1/var data = objflux[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]] ivar = objivar[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]] nsize = 6 factorarr=0.75+findgen(nsize)*0.05 xcen = fltarr(nsize) ycen = fltarr(nsize) scale = fltarr(nsize) rotation = fltarr(nsize) fchi2 = fltarr(nsize) for is=0,nsize-1 do begin factor = factorarr[is] params=psf.params params[2:3] = params[2:3]*factor params[0:1] = params[0:1]/factor^2 ; wavearr = 5000+findgen(11)*50 ; use a narrow wavelength range to constrain PSF size first fcpsf1d,params,slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].xfocal,slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].yfocal,psfplane,wavearr=wavearr,xarr=xarr,magnify=2,fluxcorr=psf.fluxcorr,/resetwave n_wavearr = n_elements(wavearr) if is eq 0 then begin offsetx0 = fltarr(n_wavearr) offsety0 = fltarr(n_wavearr) for jj=0,n_wavearr-1 do begin status=ml_dar((ha[indexp[0]]-(slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].ra-slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].cenra))/15.,slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].dec,wavearr[jj],parangle=parangle,offsetX=offsetx_tmp,offsetY=offsety_tmp,waveref=refwave,raobj=slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].ra,racen=slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].cenra,deccen=slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].cendec,/distort) offsetx0[jj] = offsetx_tmp offsety0[jj] = offsety_tmp endfor endif timemcmc0 = systime(/sec) fchi2[is]=mcmcbundleratio(fluxratio,fluxratioivar,$ offsetx0=offsetx0, offsety0=offsety0,$ fiberoffx=fiberoffx, fiberoffy=fiberoffy,$ nfiber=nfiber,n_wavearr=n_wavearr,reffiber=reffiber,$ centerwave=centerwave,dwave=dwave,innermask=intarr(nfiber)+1,$ weight=modflux[*,indexp,*],ivarweight=objivar[*,indexp,bind],$ lambda=10^loglam[*,indexp,bind],xbest=xbest,ybest=ybest,scale=scalebest,$ rotation=rotationbest,nstep=500,seed=seed);,fixlist=[0,0,1,1]) print,'Time used in running MCMC for one PSF:',systime(/sec)-timemcmc0 xcen[is] = xbest ycen[is] = ybest scale[is] = scalebest rotation[is] = rotationbest endfor ; The following section is to generate multiple fits for the same star to look at PSF dependence. IF keyword_set(debugpsf) THEN BEGIN for is=0, nsize-1 do begin offsetx = offsetx0*scale[is] offsety = offsety0*scale[is] rotmatrix = [[cos(rotation[is]),-sin(rotation[is])],[sin(rotation[is]),cos(rotation[is])]] xy2 = [[offsetx],[offsety]]#rotmatrix offsetx = xy2[*,0] offsety = xy2[*,1] dxarr = (fiberoffx+xcen[is])#(fltarr(n_wavearr)+1)-(fltarr(nfiber)+1)#offsetx dyarr = (fiberoffy+ycen[is])#(fltarr(n_wavearr)+1)-(fltarr(nfiber)+1)#offsety distarr = sqrt(dxarr*dxarr+dyarr*dyarr) params=psf.params fcpsf1d,params,slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].xfocal,slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].yfocal,psfplane,wavearr=wavearr,xarr=xarr,magnify=2,/resetwave,psffactor=factorarr[is],zerofocus=zerofocus,fluxcorr=psf.fluxcorr newchi = matchbundleratio2(fluxratio,fluxratioivar,reffiber,distarr,cenwave=centerwave,dwave=dwave,usemask=intarr(nfiber)+1,weight=modflux[*,indexp,*],ivarweight=objivar[*,indexp,bind],lambda=10^loglam[*,indexp,bind],predict=predict) covfn = modelthrupt(distarr,wavearr) covfnbig = fltarr(npix,nexpfile,nfiber) for i=0,nfiber-1 do covfnbig[*,*,i] = interpol(covfn[*,i],wavearr,10^loglam[*,indexp,bind[i]],/spline) ; totcovfn = total(covfnbig*selectbig,3) model = modflux[*,*,reffiber]*covfnbig[*,*,reffiber] mratio = data/(model+ (model eq 0)) mrativar = ivar*model^2 mrativar = mrativar *(1- spflux_masklines(loglam[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]]-alog10(1+thisindx.z),/stellar,hwidth=8.e-4)) outloglam = reform(loglam[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]]) ss = bsort(camid[indexp]) ; sort it so blue camera is first and red camera is second. mratio=mratio[*,ss] mrativar=mrativar[*,ss] result={plate:0L,mjd:0L,exposure:0L,dcnra:0.0,dcndec:0.0,frlplug:0L,ra:0.0d,dec:0.0d,$ fiberid:slitmap[iphoto[bind]].fiberid,fnum:slitmap[iphoto[bind]].fnum,$ psfmag:fltarr(5),factor:0.0,xbest:0.0,ybest:0.0,$ fiberoffx:fiberoffx,fiberoffy:fiberoffy,$ offsetx:offsetx,offsety:offsety,$ scalebest:0.0,rotationbest:0.0,fluxratio_chi2:0.0,modelspec:model,$ modflux:modflux[*,indexp,reffiber], flux:objflux[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]],$ ivar:objivar[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]],disp:dispimg[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]],$ mratio:mratio,mrativar:mrativar,$ loglam:outloglam,fluxratio:fluxratio,fluxratioerr:fluxratioerr,predictratio:predict,$ used: 0} result = create_struct(result,thisindx) if n_elements(totresult) eq 0 then begin totresult = replicate(result,nsize) endif result.plate = plateid[0] result.mjd = maxmjd result.exposure=exposures[iexp] result.dcnra = dcnra[indexp[0]] result.dcndec = dcndec[indexp[0]] result.frlplug=starplug[istar] result.ra = slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].ra result.dec = slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].dec result.psfmag = slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].psfmag result.factor=factorarr[is] result.xbest=xcen[is];-guess_x result.ybest=ycen[is];-guess_y result.scalebest=scale[is] result.rotationbest=rotation[is] result.fluxratio_chi2 =fchi2[is] totresult[is]=result endfor stop break ENDIF ; end the section for evaluating different PSF size --- only runs if debugpsf specified. ;stop if nsize ge 5 then begin res = svdfit(factorarr,fchi2,3) factor = -res[1]/(2*res[2]) if (finite(factor) eq 0) or (factor lt min(factorarr)) or (factor gt max(factorarr)) then begin tmp = min(fchi2,ind) factor = factorarr[ind] endif endif else begin bestchi2 = min(fchi2,ind_s) factor = factorarr[ind_s] endelse params=psf.params params[2:3] = params[2:3]*factor params[0:1] = params[0:1]/factor^2 fcpsf1d,params,slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].xfocal,slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].yfocal,psfplane,wavearr=wavearr,xarr=xarr,magnify=2,/resetwave,fluxcorr=psf.fluxcorr ; reset DAR vector after resetting wavearr in fcpsf1d. n_wavearr = n_elements(wavearr) offsetx0 = fltarr(n_wavearr) offsety0 = fltarr(n_wavearr) for jj=0,n_wavearr-1 do begin status=ml_dar((ha[indexp[0]]-(slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].ra-slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].cenra))/15.,slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].dec,wavearr[jj],parangle=parangle,offsetX=offsetx_tmp,offsetY=offsety_tmp,waveref=refwave,raobj=slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].ra,racen=slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].cenra,deccen=slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].cendec,/distort) offsetx0[jj] = offsetx_tmp offsety0[jj] = offsety_tmp endfor bestchi2=mcmcbundleratio(fluxratio,fluxratioivar,$ offsetx0=offsetx0,offsety0=offsety0,fiberoffx=fiberoffx,$ fiberoffy=fiberoffy,nfiber=nfiber,n_wavearr=n_wavearr,$ reffiber=reffiber,centerwave=centerwave,$ dwave=dwave,innermask=intarr(nfiber)+1,$ weight=modflux[*,indexp,*],$ ivarweight=objivar[*,indexp,bind],lambda=10^loglam[*,indexp,bind],$ xbest=xbest,ybest=ybest,scale=scalebest,rotation=rotationbest,nstep=2000,seed=seed,/errorreport) offsetx = offsetx0*scalebest offsety = offsety0*scalebest rotmatrix = [[cos(rotationbest),-sin(rotationbest)],[sin(rotationbest),cos(rotationbest)]] xy2 = [[offsetx],[offsety]]#rotmatrix offsetx = xy2[*,0] offsety = xy2[*,1] n_wavearr = n_elements(wavearr) dxarr = (fiberoffx+xbest)#(fltarr(n_wavearr)+1)-(fltarr(nfiber)+1)#offsetx dyarr = (fiberoffy+ybest)#(fltarr(n_wavearr)+1)-(fltarr(nfiber)+1)#offsety distarr = sqrt(dxarr*dxarr+dyarr*dyarr) newchi = matchbundleratio2(fluxratio,fluxratioivar,reffiber,distarr,cenwave=centerwave,dwave=dwave,usemask=intarr(nfiber)+1,weight=modflux[*,indexp,*],ivarweight=objivar[*,indexp,bind],lambda=10^loglam[*,indexp,bind],predict=predict) example = [0,3,6] ; psplot,'fluxratio_example_'+string(starplug[istar],format='(i0.0)')+'.ps',/square,/color ; psset,/multi !p.multi=[0,3,3] for iwave=0,n_elements(example)-1 do begin &$ if example[iwave] le 3 then icam = where(camid[indexp] eq 'b') else icam = where(camid[indexp] eq 'r') plotratiofit,fiberoffx,fiberoffy,string(slitmap[iphoto[bind]].fnum,format='(i0.0)'),string(fluxratio[example[iwave],icam,*]*100,format='(f0.2)'),string(predict[example[iwave],icam,*]*100,format='(f0.2)'),string(fluxratioerr[example[iwave],icam,*]*100,format='(f3.1)'),titles=['Fiber Num','Data','Best-fit Model'],color=1,charsize=1. &$ oplot,-xbest+offsetx,-ybest+offsety,color=254 &$ useless = min(abs(wavearr-centerwave[example[iwave]]),id_w) &$ plots,-xbest+offsetx[id_w],-ybest+offsety[id_w],ps=1,symsize=2,color=254 &$ al_legend,'!7k!6='+string(centerwave[example[iwave]],format='(i0.0)')+'A',box=0,charsize=1.5 &$ endfor !p.multi=0 ; psclose ; We shall use all the fibers that have significant flux to derive the final correction. But we need to figure out how to do this without resampling the native-wavelength grid. (keep these code for now to be reactivated later) if 0 then begin snratio = objflux[*,indexp,bind]*sqrt(objivar[*,indexp,bind]) snratiobin = rebin(snratio,12,nexpfile,nfiber) snratiobinr = snratiobin/rebin(snratiobin[*,*,reffiber],12,nexpfile,nfiber) select = (snratiobinr gt (sqrt(2.)-1)) and finite(snratiobinr) selectbig = rebin(select,npix,nexpfile,nfiber,/sample) endif ; ivarprep = objivar[*,indexp,bind] ; ind = where(selectbig eq 0) ; ivarprep[ind] = 1.0 ; ivarproduct = product(ivarprep,3) ; ivar[where(ivarproduct eq 0)] = 0.0 covfn = modelthrupt(distarr,wavearr) covfnbig = fltarr(npix,nexpfile,nfiber) for i=0,nfiber-1 do covfnbig[*,*,i] = interpol(covfn[*,i],wavearr,10^loglam[*,indexp,bind[i]],/spline) ; totcovfn = total(covfnbig*selectbig,3) ; corrflux[*,*,bind] = objflux[*,*,bind]/(covfnbig+(covfnbig eq 0)) ; corrivar[*,*,bind] = objivar[*,*,bind]*covfnbig*covfnbig ; tmp = typingmodule(corrflux[*,*,bind[reffiber]],loglam[*,*,bind[reffiber]],corrivar[*,*,bind[reffiber]],dispimg[*,*,bind[reffiber]],sfd_ebv[istar],slitmap[iphoto[bind[reffiber]]].psfmag,kindx=thisindx,modflux=modflux,plottitle=plottitle) ; modflux = rebin(modflux,npix,nfile,nfiber) model = modflux[*,*,reffiber]*covfnbig[*,*,reffiber] mratio = data/(model+ (model eq 0)) mrativar = ivar*model^2 mrativar = mrativar *(1- spflux_masklines(loglam[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]]-alog10(1+thisindx.z),/stellar,hwidth=8.e-4)) ; outloglam= dblarr(npix,nexpfile) ; fluxcorr = dblarr(npix,nexpfile) outloglam = reform(loglam[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]]) ; for ifile=0,nexpfile-1 do begin ; CASE camid[indexp[ifile]] OF ; 'b': BEGIN ; bsset=spflux_bspline(loglam[*,indexp[ifile],bind[reffiber]],mratio[*,ifile],mrativar[*,ifile],everyn=10) ; fluxcorr[*,ifile]=bspline_valu(loglam[*,indexp[ifile],bind[reffiber]],bsset) ; outloglam[*,ifile]=loglam[*,indexp[ifile],bind[reffiber]] ; END ; 'r': BEGIN ; rsset=spflux_bspline(loglam[*,indexp[ifile],bind[reffiber]],mratio[*,ifile],mrativar[*,ifile],everyn=1.5) ; fluxcorr[*,ifile]=bspline_valu(loglam[*,indexp[ifile],bind[reffiber]],rsset) ; outloglam[*,ifile]=loglam[*,indexp[ifile],bind[reffiber]] ; END ; ENDCASE ; endfor ss = bsort(camid[indexp]) ; sort it so blue camera is first and red camera is second. mratio=mratio[*,ss] mrativar=mrativar[*,ss] result={plate:0L,mjd:0L,exposure:0L,dcnra:0.0,dcndec:0.0,frlplug:0L,ra:0.0d,dec:0.0d,$ fiberid:slitmap[iphoto[bind]].fiberid,fnum:slitmap[iphoto[bind]].fnum,$ psfmag:fltarr(5),factor:0.0,xbest:0.0,ybest:0.0,$ fiberoffx:fiberoffx,fiberoffy:fiberoffy,$ offsetx:offsetx,offsety:offsety,$ scalebest:0.0,rotationbest:0.0,fluxratio_chi2:0.0,modelspec:model,$ modflux:modflux[*,indexp,reffiber], flux:objflux[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]],$ ivar:objivar[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]],disp:dispimg[*,indexp,bind[reffiber]],$ mratio:mratio,mrativar:mrativar,$ loglam:outloglam,fluxratio:fluxratio,fluxratioerr:fluxratioerr,predictratio:predict,$ used:0} result = create_struct(result,thisindx) if n_elements(totresult) eq 0 then begin totresult = replicate(result,nexp*nstar) endif result.plate = plateid[0] result.mjd = maxmjd result.exposure=exposures[iexp] result.dcnra = dcnra[indexp[0]] result.dcndec = dcndec[indexp[0]] result.frlplug=starplug[istar] result.ra = slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].ra result.dec = slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].dec result.psfmag = slitmap[iphoto[bind[0]]].psfmag result.factor=factor result.xbest=xbest;-guess_x result.ybest=ybest;-guess_y result.scalebest=scalebest result.rotationbest=rotationbest result.fluxratio_chi2 =bestchi2 totresult[iexp*nstar+istar]=result endfor print,'Time used to process all exposures of star:',systime(/sec)-starttime_istar ; stop endfor print,'Total time used to process all exposures of all stars:',systime(/sec)-starttime ; Final loop over input frames ; Read in the frames, apply the calibrations, and write ; out the calibrated mgFFrame files. Note that these will ; have units of flux/pixel rather than flux per some uniform ; wavelength range. psffac = fltarr(nexp) for iexp=0,nexp-1 do begin ; looping through different exposures indexp = where(expnum eq exposures[iexp],nexpfile) inds = where(totresult.exposure eq exposures[iexp],n_inds) ; select only good stars --- rejecting those with S/N less than 1/3 of the median and those with Chi2 greater than 3 times the median if n_inds eq 0 then begin splog,'Error: No valid stars for exposure '+string(exposures[iexp],format='(i8.8)') return endif if n_inds gt 1 then begin blueratio = fltarr(n_inds) redratio = fltarr(n_inds) for jj=0,n_inds-1 do begin bluemid = where(totresult[inds[jj]].loglam[*,0] gt alog10(5300.) and totresult[inds[jj]].loglam[*,0] lt alog10(5350.)) redmid = where(totresult[inds[jj]].loglam[*,1] gt alog10(7800.) and totresult[inds[jj]].loglam[*,1] lt alog10(8000.)) blueratio[jj] = median(totresult[inds[jj]].mratio[bluemid,0],/even) redratio[jj] = median(totresult[inds[jj]].mratio[redmid,1],/even) endfor bluediff = abs(blueratio-median(blueratio,/even))/median(blueratio,/even) reddiff = abs(redratio-median(redratio,/even))/median(redratio,/even) bluescatter = (median(bluediff,/even)/0.6745) > 0.033; sigma scatter derived using median absolute deviation; set a minimum scatter of 3.3% so that we don't reject anything within +/-10% of median. Otherwise, in some cases the median absolute deviation could be super small (when there are three nearly identical values.) redscatter = (median(reddiff,/even)/0.6745) > 0.033 gstar = where(totresult[inds].sn_median gt $ median(totresult[inds].sn_median,/even)/3. and $ totresult[inds].linechi2/totresult[inds].linedof lt $ median(totresult[inds].linechi2/totresult[inds].linedof,/even)*3 and $ totresult[inds].fluxratio_chi2 lt (100 > median(totresult[inds].fluxratio_chi2,/even)) and $ (bluediff lt 3*bluescatter and reddiff lt 3*redscatter) and $ max(totresult[inds].mrativar[*,0],dimen=1) gt 0 and max(totresult[inds].mrativar[*,1],dimen=1) gt 0, ngstar) ; take out a lower-order polynomial relative to the mean correction vector ; This will hopefully average out the systematics introduced in imperfect ; model match. if ngstar gt 1 then begin flatarrblue = spflux_mratio_flatten(totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,0],$ totresult[inds[gstar]].mratio[*,0],totresult[inds[gstar]].mrativar[*,0],pres=pres_b) flatarrred = spflux_mratio_flatten(totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,1],$ totresult[inds[gstar]].mratio[*,1],totresult[inds[gstar]].mrativar[*,1],pres=pres_r) psffac[iexp] = median(totresult[inds[gstar]].factor,/even) endif else begin if ngstar eq 1 then begin flatarrblue = fltarr(npix)+1.0 flatarrred = fltarr(npix)+1.0 psffac[iexp] = totresult[inds[gstar]].factor endif else message,'There are stars but none of them gives good calibration.' endelse endif else begin ; this means inds has only 1 elements, as we have excluded the 0 element possibility above. gstar = 0 ngstar = 1 flatarrblue = fltarr(npix)+1.0 flatarrred = fltarr(npix)+1.0 psffac[iexp] = totresult[inds].factor endelse fmratio = fltarr(npix, 2, ngstar) fmrativar = fltarr(npix, 2, ngstar) fmratio[*,0,*] = totresult[inds[gstar]].mratio[*,0]/flatarrblue fmrativar[*,0,*] = totresult[inds[gstar]].mrativar[*,0]*flatarrblue^2 fmratio[*,1,*] = totresult[inds[gstar]].mratio[*,1]/flatarrred fmrativar[*,1,*] = totresult[inds[gstar]].mrativar[*,1]*flatarrred^2 sset_b = spflux_bspline(totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,0],$ fmratio[*,0,*],fmrativar[*,0,*],everyn=160*ngstar,/stellar) mask = spflux_masklines(totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,1],/telluric) tlc = where(mask,complement=smo) fmrativarcopy = fmrativar[*,1,*] fmrativarcopy[tlc] = 0.0 sset_rt = spflux_bspline(totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,1],$ fmratio[*,1,*],fmrativar[*,1,*],$ everyn=1.0*ngstar);,disp=(totresult[inds[gstar]].disp[*,1])) ; without masking out stellar features for the telluric region.) sset_r = spflux_bspline(totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,1],$ fmratio[*,1,*],fmrativarcopy,everyn=160*ngstar,/stellar,/telluric) ; mask out stellar features, and set ivar in telluric region to zero. ; maskall = spflux_masklines() ; tlcpart = bspline_valu(totresult.loglam[*,1],sset_rt,x2=totresult.disp[*,1]) ; smopart = bspline_valu(totresult.loglam[*,1],sset_r) ; smopart[tlc] = tlcpart[tlc] !p.multi=[0,1,2] yrange = [0,2] djs_plot,10^totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,0],fmratio[*,0,*],ps=1,symsize=0.1,xran=[3500,6500],xst=1,xtitle='Wavelength (A)',ytitle='Correction Vector',yran=yrange,yst=1 djs_oplot,10^totresult[0].loglam[*,0],bspline_valu(totresult[0].loglam[*,0],sset_b),color='red',ps=1,symsize=0.1 tlcversion = bspline_valu(totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,1],sset_rt);,x2=totresult[inds[gstar]].disp[*,1]) smoversion = bspline_valu(totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,1],sset_r) combinever = smoversion*0 combinever[tlc] = tlcversion[tlc] combinever[smo] = smoversion[smo] djs_plot,10^totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,1],fmratio[*,1,*],ps=1,symsize=0.1,xran=[5800,10500],xst=1,xtitle='Wavelength (A)',ytitle='Correction Vector',yran=yrange,yst=1 djs_oplot,10^totresult[inds[gstar]].loglam[*,1],combinever,color='red',ps=1,symsize=0.1 !p.multi=0 ; thrupt_blue = bspline_valu(thru.loglam,sset_b)*init_thru[*,0] ; smo_standardlam = bspline_valu(thru.loglam,sset_r) ; tlc_standardlam = bspline_valu(thru.loglam,sset_rt) ; mask_standard = spflux_masklines(thru.loglam,/telluric) ; tlc_id = where(mask_standard,complement=smo_id) ; comb_standardlam= smo_standardlam*0 ; comb_standardlam[smo_id] = smo_standardlam[smo_id] ; comb_standardlam[tlc_id] = tlc_standardlam[tlc_id] ; thrupt_red = com_standardlam*init_thru[*,1] thruptref_blue = bspline_valu(thru.loglam[800],sset_b)*init_thru[800,0] thruptnorm_blue = bspline_valu(thru.loglam[2335],sset_b)*init_thru[2335,0] thruptref_red = bspline_valu(thru.loglam[3800],sset_r)*init_thru[3800,1] thruptnorm_red = bspline_valu(thru.loglam[2335],sset_r)*init_thru[2335,1] bluenormalized = thruptref_blue/thruptnorm_blue*0.08 rednormalized = thruptref_red/thruptnorm_red*0.18 mjdstr=string(mjd[indexp[0]],format='(i0.0)') if NOT keyword_set(writename) then writename='' if NOT keyword_set(nowritefile) then begin tmpname=fileandpath(ml_psfilename(outnames[0]),path=path) filename=path+'fluxcal-sp'+string(spectroid[0],format='(i0.0)')+'-'+string(exposures[iexp],format='(i8.8)')+writename+'.fits' totresult[inds[gstar]].used = 1 mwrfits,totresult[inds],filename,/create spawn, ['gzip', '-f', filename], /noshell endif for ifile=0,nexpfile-1 do begin ; looping through different cameras of the same exposure ml_mgframeread,innames[indexp[ifile]],loglam=loglam1, wset=wset1, objflux=tempflux, $ objivar=tempivar, mask=tempmask, dispset=dispset1, dispimg=tempdisp, slitmap=slitfull, ximg=tempximg, $ slithdr=slithdr, superflat=superflat1, skyflux=tempsky, hdr=thishdr, adderr=adderr ; convert flux and ivar from flat-field e- to actual e-/sec. exptime = sxpar(thishdr,'EXPTIME') tempflux = tempflux*superflat1/exptime tempivar = tempivar/(superflat1*superflat1+(superflat1 eq 0))*(exptime*exptime) tempsky = tempsky*superflat1/exptime ; Make a map of the size of each pixel in 1e-4 (log10-Angstroms), ; and re-normalize the flux, ivar, sky to electrons/(dloglam) correct_dlam, tempflux, tempivar, wset1 correct_dlam, tempsky, 0, wset1 correct_dlam, tempdisp, 0, wset1, /inverse lambda = 10^loglam1 energy = cc*planck/(lambda* 1.d-8)*1.d17 ; put energy also in units of 10^(-17) erg. ; because flux was in e- per pixel of 1e-4 in log(lambda) dlambda = 1.e-4*alog(10.)*lambda ; this is the pixel width in Angstrom unitfactor = energy/dlambda/mirrorarea tempflux = tempflux*unitfactor ; observed engery per sec per Angstrom per cm^2 * 10^17 tempivar = tempivar/unitfactor/unitfactor tempsky = tempsky*unitfactor splog,'Applying flux calibration vectors to mgSFrame inputs.' CASE camid[indexp[ifile]] OF 'b' : BEGIN thrupt = interpol(init_thru[*,0],thru.loglam,loglam1) > 0.0 bcalib = float(bspline_valu(loglam1,sset_b))*thrupt ; bluemask = spflux_masklines(loglam1,hwidth=12.e-4,/stellar) ; bcalib = djs_maskinterp(bcalib,bluemask,loglam1,iaxis=0,/const) minval = 0.05*median(bcalib) ; Apply calibration vector to flux, inverse variance, and sky extensions ; This will put it in units of flux/Angstrom mdrp_divideflat, tempflux, invvar=tempivar, bcalib, minval=minval mdrp_divideflat, tempsky, bcalib, minval=minval ; Flag pixels with bad flux calibration factor tempmask = tempmask OR ((bcalib LE minval) * drp2pixmask_bits('BADFLUXFACTOR')) ; Add normalized throughput information sxaddpar, thishdr, 'NMTHRUPT', bluenormalized, 'Normalized throughput in the blue at 4354.1160A' END 'r' : BEGIN thrupt = interpol(init_thru[*,1],thru.loglam,loglam1) > 0.0 smocalib = bspline_valu(loglam1,sset_r) tlccalib = bspline_valu(loglam1,sset_rt);,x2=tempdisp) tlc = where(spflux_masklines(loglam1,/telluric),complement=smo) rcalib = smocalib*0 rcalib[tlc] = tlccalib[tlc] rcalib[smo] = smocalib[smo] rcalib *= thrupt ; redmask = spflux_masklines(loglam1,hwidth=12.e-4,/stellar) ; rcalib = djs_maskinterp(rcalib,redmask,loglam1,iaxis=0,/const) minval = 0.05*median(rcalib) ; Apply calibration vector to flux, inverse variance, and sky extensions ; This will put it in units of flux/Angstrom mdrp_divideflat, tempflux, invvar=tempivar, rcalib, minval=minval mdrp_divideflat, tempsky, rcalib, minval=minval ; Flag pixels with bad flux calibration factor tempmask = tempmask OR ((rcalib LE minval) * drp2pixmask_bits('BADFLUXFACTOR')) ; Add normalized throughput information sxaddpar, thishdr, 'NMTHRUPT', rednormalized, 'Normalized throughput in the red at 8687.6037A' END ENDCASE ; Add flux information keywords sxaddpar, thishdr, 'BSCALE', 1., ' Intensity unit scaling' sxaddpar, thishdr, 'BZERO', 0., ' Intensity zeropoint' sxaddpar, thishdr, 'BUNIT', '1E-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang/fiber', ' Specific intensity (per fiber-area)' ; Add PSF factor, seeing sxaddpar, thishdr, 'PSFFAC', psffac[iexp], 'Best-fit PSF size relative to guider measurements' sxaddpar, thishdr, 'SEEING', seeing[iexp], ' Best guider seeing FWHM in Arcsec' ; Add information about the template file used sxaddpar, thishdr, 'TPLDATA', fileandpath(thekfile),'Flux calibration template file used' ; Add quality control keywords drp2qual=long(fxpar(thishdr,'DRP2QUAL')) ; Add new flagging cases here ; None yet! ; Write back to header sxaddpar, thishdr, 'DRP2QUAL', drp2qual, 'DRP-2d quality bitmask' ; Remove old name sxdelpar, thishdr, 'EXTNAME' ; Write sky-subtracted spectra to disk following the MaNGA data model ml_mwrfits, dummyext, outnames[indexp[ifile]],hdr=thishdr, /create ; Blank ext 0 with full header ml_mwrfits, tempflux, outnames[indexp[ifile]], hdr=thishdr, extname='FLUX' ;sky subtracted flux ml_mwrfits, tempivar, outnames[indexp[ifile]], extname='IVAR' ; sky subtracted inverse variance ml_mwrfits, tempmask, outnames[indexp[ifile]], extname='MASK' ; final pixel mask ml_mwrfits, wset1, outnames[indexp[ifile]], extname='WSET' ;trace-set for wavelength sol; wset ml_mwrfits, dispset1, outnames[indexp[ifile]], extname='DISPSET' ;trace-set for dispersion sol ml_mwrfits, slitfull, outnames[indexp[ifile]], extname='SLITMAP' ;slitmap used ml_mwrfits, tempximg, outnames[indexp[ifile]], extname='XPOS' ;x pos on CCD ml_mwrfits, superflat1, outnames[indexp[ifile]], extname='SUPERFLAT' ;superflat vector from quartz lamps ml_mwrfits, tempsky, outnames[indexp[ifile]], extname='SKY' ;sky flux ; gzip output file spawn, ['gzip', '-f', outnames[indexp[ifile]]], /noshell endfor ; finish looping through different cameras of the same exposure endfor ; finish looping through different exposures. ; Close out plots if ~keyword_set(visual) then begin dfpsclose ; Convert to PDF and remove old PS file ;stop spawn, strcompress('ps2pdf '+plotname+' '+ml_strreplace(plotname,'.ps','.pdf')) spawn, strcompress('rm -f '+plotname) !p.multi=0 !p=origp !x=origx !y=origy endif ; Take out the trash heap_gc if keyword_set(time) then print,'total lasted time= ',systime(1)-time0,' secs' end